Single dates in Agent dates of existence need hyphen/dash in PUI display


When recording a single date in the dates of existence field in the Agents module, currently in order to display an open date span in the PUI the user needs to manually record a hyphen/dash as part of the date expression. Recording only the date results in the display of the value on its own, as below:

However, the portion of the Agent record for entering single dates in the staff interface includes fields that specify which part of an open date span the entry represents. This functionality is used in imports and exports to specify the MARC Authority subfield should be used, though this information is not used to insert a hyphen/dash for a date expression during import when a date expression is not present (see ANW-1255: MARCXML authority import removes (does not supply?) trailing/leading hyphens from expression date in Dates of ExistenceClosed-Will Not Do and ANW-1256: EAC-CPF import removes (does not supply?) trailing/leading hyphens from expression date in Dates of ExistenceClosed-Will Not Do).

Rather than requiring hyphens to be manually inserted in a date expression, the system should use the Date Role value to insert a hyphen/dash either before or after the date expression/standardized date in the PUI display. In the case that the Date Role value selected is Begin, the hyphen/dash would be placed after the date expression/standardized date value. When the Date Role value selected is End, the hyphen/dash would be placed before the date expression/standardized date value.

Adding this functionality would align it with dates of existence for date ranges in the Agent module, where the system inserts a hyphen/dash between the beginning and ending date entries, as well as simplifying exports.




  • 28 Nov 2023, 05:59 PM
  • 28 Nov 2023, 05:59 PM

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Matt Strauss November 6, 2024 at 6:32 PM

The Dev Pri team evaluated this ticket at the October meeting. After some discussion, it was decided that the ticket should be closed because the proposed feature seems like it would have limited impact and could introduce potential complications.  More information can be found on

Won't Do





Harvest Time Tracking

Open Harvest Time Tracking
Created November 28, 2023 at 5:59 PM
Updated November 6, 2024 at 6:32 PM
Resolved November 6, 2024 at 6:32 PM
Harvest Time Tracking

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