12:59:51 From Lydia Tang : https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/132644933/2017-10-10+Meeting+notes 13:00:14 From Margaret Kidd : yes 13:02:08 From jmlabarbara : Here! 13:03:53 From Margaret Kidd : I think so 13:03:57 From Caitlin Wells : We're still working a little bit but we should be good within a few days, I think! 13:04:22 From Alexandra Orchard : Navigation will be done in a couple of days- we still have a couple left 13:04:32 From Christy Tomecek : I think we need a little more time to flesh out parts of it, but the bulk seems to be complete 13:04:39 From dproud : User accounts and permissions could use a little more time 13:06:38 From Caitlin Wells : Haha, yeah, I can do it 13:07:28 From SaraC : yup! 13:19:35 From SaraC : I really like Functions 13:19:41 From moulton : Any of those would be an improvement 13:19:48 From SaraC : Yes, those two seem to be the best 13:19:49 From Christy Tomecek : ^ 13:19:53 From ew8ff : I like actions. 13:19:54 From Christy Tomecek : I do like tools, personally 13:19:59 From dproud : I like Actions or Functions 13:20:06 From ArchivesSpace : Action Tools? =) 13:20:14 From Alexandra Orchard : I’m wondering if we can get rid of “Background Jobs” all together an elevate the items within Background Jbos 13:20:22 From moulton : Does "Events" document certain types of actions performed on a resource and could that be confusing terminology? 13:21:00 From SaraC : I also like Alexandra's suggestion 13:21:21 From mkottman : Import, Export, Print 13:21:39 From Caitlin Wells : I agree! 13:21:58 From ew8ff : Fine with me. 13:22:09 From moulton : Would "Import" and "Export" cover all background jobs functions ("print" is really exporting a PDF)? 13:22:34 From Christy Tomecek : And reports 13:22:54 From jane labarbara : Find and replace is a background job? 13:23:21 From mkottman : still would need a way to review already completed jobs, i.e. the queue 13:23:29 From Alexandra Orchard : I have a screenshot in the Organization of Menus spec with the background jobs items elevated to the Create Menu 13:24:07 From moulton : And have the jobs on either the Create or Gear menu but not both? 13:31:53 From Lydia Tang : Sounds good to me, especially since there’s another path to export PDFs via the Resource 13:32:19 From Nora Blackman : Alexandra - this is great! 13:32:36 From Suzanne Reller : This looks really nice. I like this organization. 13:32:41 From Caitlin Wells : Yes looks really nice! 13:32:48 From SaraC : I agree, looks nice! 13:40:15 From ArchivesSpace : Just FYI - the new PUI does have the ability to go between the public and staff interfaces, as long as you're logged in on the staff side. 13:41:14 From ArchivesSpace : It's next to the citation/print buttons 13:51:11 From mkottman : recommend adding capability to scroll hierarchy pane left/right AND the ability to resize the "columns". We would then resize the column with file/series, etc. to just show the first letter. Ditto for the mixed materials/audio, etc. column 13:55:18 From moulton : We don't use the PUI and prefer our reading room staff to be in View mode. 13:58:18 From ew8ff to Lydia Tang (Privately) : Thanks so much Lydia! I have to go off to another meeting. 13:59:30 From Nora Blackman : This was all very helpful 13:59:33 From gfarr : To have the ability to customize/brand the PUI from within the staff interface seems to make much sense 14:00:08 From Nora Blackman : I think our team needs more time 14:00:14 From jarcher : I feel like our group needs a bit more time. We have a couple of things we haven't gotten to yet 14:00:22 From Alexandra Orchard : Navigation needs a little more tiem 14:01:45 From Alexandra Orchard : great! 14:02:09 From Margaret Kidd : Thanks! 14:02:16 From Caitlin Wells : Great! Thanks! 14:02:20 From dproud : thanks! 14:02:21 From Alexandra Orchard : Thanks! 14:02:22 From Suzanne Reller : Thank you 14:02:23 From SaraC : thank you! 14:02:30 From Betsy : Thanks!