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ASpace Program/Board


  • Review Work Plans

Discussion topics





10 min

Roll Call - Introductions

Regina Carra

Name, where you work, favorite seat on airplane

5 min

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

10 min

TAC sub-team work plans
3 minutes each

Integrations: Sarit Hand Elizabeth Dunham

Metadata Standards: Regine Heberlein Kevin Schlottmann

Tech Docs: Rachel Searcy

  • Link to workplan: 2022-2023 TechDocs Work Plan (Draft)

  • One routine goal: Maintenance of tech-docs Github repository

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Collaboration across Advisory Councils

10 min

UAC sub-team work plans

3 minutes each

Member Engagement: Bailey Hoffner Patrick Milhoan

  • Link to workplan: Member Engagement Work Plan 2022-2023

  • One routine goal: Member Match Program

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Integrating other sub-teams into Quarterly Member Match Events

Usability: Althea Topek Cory Nimer

User Docs: Margaret Kidd Rebecca Baugnon

  • Link to workplan: User Documentation Work Plan/Goals

  • One routine goal: Continue systematic review of Help Center pages

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Review and prioritize Future User Docs Projects; pick project to work on this term

5 min

Cross Council sub-team work plans

Dev Pri: Daniel Michelson Matthew Neely

  • Link to workplan: 2022-2023 Dev Pri Work Plan

  • One routine goal: The primary work of Dev/Pri will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development.

  • One new goal for this term (if applicable): Share agendas with TAC and UAC and extend an open invitation to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on.

Testing: Cory Nimer Austin Munsell

5 min

Open Mic

5 min


Regina Carra

October 3– Council (Vice)Chairs will meet to look over work plans and assist cross-team collaboration

October 11 – TAC Meeting

October 18 – UAC Meeting, with discussion led by Member Engagement Sub-team

Councils will meet jointly again in February 2023