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  • Review responsibilities/calendar, develop 2024-2025 calendar

  • Select Monthly meeting time

  • Select First Friday lineup

  • Determine date and topic for Mixer 1

  • Select informal discussion board

  • Begin drafting discussion topics for participants



  •  Welcome and ice breaker
  • What are you most excited to do on Member Engagement?

  • Increase asynchronous communication across Member Match

  •  Review and develop responsibilities, work plan, team calendar
  • We can change the team responsibilities document/goals as we want, just need to update UAC of changes

  • Work Plan: no liase, include new Member Match tasks

  •  Set up monthly meeting time
  • 9:30am PST/12:30pm EST on ??? Fridaythird Wednesday

  • First Fridays + Team Meeting on Fridays = a lot of Friday time commitments

  • Suggestion: In lieu of team meeting quarterly, then

  • → Mary to make recurring Zoom and calendar event

  •  Set up First Friday lineup (Kickoff September)
  • Monthly informal event for all participants to come and talk about whatever they want, not always ASpace

  • September 6: Mary

  • October 4: Jaime

  • November 1: Christine

  • December 6: SKIP due to Mixer

  • January 10, 2025: Kolbe

  • February 7: Mary

  • March 7: Jaime

  • April 4: Christine

  • May 2: Kolbe

  • June 6: Jaime

  • → Put all dates in announcement doc

  • → Mary create recurring Zoom meeting

    • Different time meetings, send out a reminder a lot (Jan)

  • → Lead a slack demo at First Friday Sept meeting, Jaime

  •  Determine topic and date of Mixer 1 (October) – October 16th 9:30/12:30 pm (instead of monthly meeting)
  • Topic: Tips and Tricks!

  •  Select informal discussion board
  • Desire to introduce a discussion board for participants to post questions, considering Jamboard/Slack/others?

  • ASpace has a slack to supplement council work

  • Jessica can send individual invites to give access to our space

  • Also encourage listserv discussion if people do not want to join the Slack

  • → Jaime get the ball rolling on establishing it

  • → Jessica will get confirmation from Christine about using Slack like this → YES

  •  Create list of discussion topics for participants

  • Add topics on your own time by September meeting

  • Add to member match program page when we debut

  •  Code of Conduct Task Force
  • Mary has been on a task force for the review of the ASpace CoC

  • Would any new members like to join?

  • Will be presenting work so far at joint TAC/UAC meeting in September

  • → Mary will reach out to the task force to ask if we can/should add another Member Engagement person moving forward

  • → Share documents about CoC here


  • See you tomorrow

  • First Take a Break September 6

    • Send announcement to go into monthly update to Jessica for Take a Break by Aug 27

  • Next meeting: September 18

To-Do List

  •  Put member match participants listserv email here