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Integrations Defined

Some kind of coupling that doesn't rely on manual intervention.


  • We're most interested in integrations that are generalizable and shareable. Strictly speaking, we're not interested in purely local integrations.
  • A plugin can be an integration, shuttling data between different sources can be an integration, and changes to the data model in various ways are integrations.
  • We're looking for minimal manual intervention to qualify as an integration. That is, integrations do not have a manual step through, even if that step through is automated.



A functional coupling between ArchivesSpace and another software application to act as a coordinated whole. Regardless of the complexity of a particular integration (see Tiers), a defining characteristic of all integrations is communication, or seamless data flow--without a manual, intermediary step--between systems. For our purposes, an integration should also be generalizable for the ArchivesSpace community.


Tier 1

The highest level of integration, this level of integration includes data flowing into and out of the integrated systems and would require changes to the ArchivesSpace core code to work, a change in the ArchivesSpace data model, or significant migration of legacy data existing in the system. Currently there are no examples of tier 1 integrations.

Tier 2

 The is middle level of an integration. This level may require adding and initializing a plugin in your local ArchivesSpace repository, but no changes to the core code or database. Some examples of this level of integration include the Bentley’s work with Archivematica, the Rockefeller Archive Center’s work with Archivematica, and the current Preservica-ArchivesSpace integration. These integrations involve leveraging the ArchivesSpace API to allow another system to create description in ArchivesSpace, and data flows both into and out of the system. For example, you can view ArchivesSpace components in Archivematica and then use Archivematica to write to ArchivesSpace.

Tier 3

This level merely pulls information for possible inclusion into ArchivesSpace or another system. No data model changes are necessary, and generally no new description is created in ArchivesSpace. In this tier 3, data is either pushed or pulled from one system only, and no writing to either system happens. An example of this would be the ArchivesSpace to Drupal integration created by the American Academy in Rome.

Roles of the Integrations Sub-team

To be determined. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet gummies I love jelly-o carrot cake sweet icing jelly beans. Brownie cake I love I love carrot cake. Pudding bonbon I love I love powder marzipan soufflé. Sweet oat cake caramels marshmallow pastry wafer sweet. Candy fruitcake chocolate danish brownie halvah oat cake. I love jujubes I love pudding carrot cake marzipan dragée cookie. Wafer tart croissant donut powder marzipan gummies.

Mission Statement

To be determined. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet muffin tootsie roll ice cream ice cream. Cookie lemon drops liquorice sweet dragée powder wafer. Marzipan macaroon gingerbread marshmallow macaroon pastry. Candy jelly-o marzipan chocolate bar cake danish jelly-o apple pie chocolate cake. Jelly beans I love marshmallow cookie gummi bears. Oat cake jelly chocolate I love pie tart I love. 

Mission Statement

The Integrations subteam supports the ArchivesSpace community by taking a transparent approach to documenting the integration of systems with the ArchivesSpace application. We facilitate this by:

  • Tracking current integrations and communicating their progress

  • Creating resources that assist members of the ArchivesSpace community with their integration work

  • Liaising between those developing integrations, the ArchivesSpace Program Team and the ArchivesSpace community

  • For specific integrations, determining scope, writing specifications and testing implementations