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Valerie Addonizio

Regina Carra

Gordon Daines

Christine Di Bella

Suzanne Reller

Rachel Searcy

Unable to attend

Discussion topics





5 min

Recap of recent Governance Board meetings


20 min

Checking in/any followup from joint Councils meeting


Recent TAC/UAC joint meeting went well. There was good discussion led by Dev/Pri. Program team will work to surface and refresh resources related to how to submit tickets and how selecting approved tickets to work on and matching them with resources happens. (It may be useful to make the presentation of this content more engaging and fun, so that people remember it more.) Valerie offered to assist with this.

There have been a couple resignations from UAC recently, but the affected teams are adjusting and in the case of Usability evaluating their mission and whether their workplan should change.

UAC may do a social call instead of a standard monthly meeting in April. Suzanne will reach out to organize.

We discussed situations where a Council member needs to go on leave or otherwise step away from Council business for a period of time but would like to continue when they are able rather than resign. We discussed what to do under different types of conditions, and Valerie will codify this as policy for the handbook.

10 min

Nominations prep and other preparing for next term business

The Nominating Committee is scheduled to have its first meeting on March 16. Beyond openings in terms of numbers it may be useful to identify expertise or leadership needs.

Helpful links:

Currently: UAC has 15 active members

2 have recently resigned

1 is on hiatus (looking to rejoin in July 2023)

Ideal size for UAC (according to its members) is between 18-23 people

TAC thought similarly.

The group discussed the advantages and disadvantages of making the Councils larger, with there being general preference for getting closer to the upper limit UAC members suggested.

We discussed conveying to sub-teams that workplans should be flexible and maybe include stretch goals, or have the possibility of structuring more ambitious goals in ways that can be worked on over multiple terms. It would be good for the mid-term reporting on workplans to include the opportunity to evaluate/reconsider goals.

5 min

Tech training updates

AllLyrasis Learning is scheduling

Valerie checked with Joshua Shaw about working together on the Docker idea. There is a complication in that Dartmouth is on an older version of ArchivesSpace and still months away from upgrading. There is also concern about long-term maintenance of a community Docker container since that is one of the intended products of this course. The original goal of June for this will not be possible. They will check in again later in the year.

Lyrasis Learning has scheduled a Github for Everyone training for May led by Blake Carver and Jonathan Green (current tech lead for the Palace Project open source ebooks solution, former major contributor for Islandora). They are very interested in suggestions for content. Depending on level of interest, it is possible that ArchivesSpace can pay for Council people who want to attend in place of the live leadership training that would have taken place this term. There is a possibility that this course could become a regular offering if there is enough interest in the larger community.

The Council leaders will meet to discuss and check with their members to determine who would like to attend. Valerie and Rachel will give Blake feedback on ground to cover.

5 min

Anything else?

Action items

  •  Valerie will write up some policy on handling Council member leave requests for the handbookThe
  •  Council leaders will meet to discuss interest/ideas in the Github course
  •  Suzanne will reach out about planning a social for April
  •  Program team will follow up on the joint Council meeting discussion by working on a clearinghouse for info. about submitting tickets, how approved tickets get selected for work, etc. Valerie will contribute ideas.
  •  Christine will work on rescheduling the May meeting
