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\uD83D\uDDD3 Date






Cross-team collaboration

The end of term is in sight. Any new or continuing thoughts on drawing new lines for the cross-team collaboration diagram?

  • In particular, between User and Tech docs? Not really, but I’ll bring it up in the next meeting.

10 mins

Git training opportunity

Lyrasis Learning has scheduled a Github for Everyone training for May.

They are very interested in suggestions for content. Depending on level of interest, it is possible that ArchivesSpace can pay for Council people who want to attend in place of the live leadership training that would have taken place this term. There is a possibility that this course could become a regular offering if there is enough interest in the larger community.

The Council leaders will meet to discuss and check with their members to determine who would like to attend. Valerie and Rachel will give Blake feedback on ground to cover.

  • Had a brief convo about this, sent out survey immediately afterwards

10 minds

Recruitment discussion

The Nominating Committee is scheduled to have its first meeting today; beyond just numbers of recruits, would be useful to identify expertise or leadership needs.

Helpful links:

1 min

New page

Soliciting Feedback from the Community
  • Confirmed what we already know (we say you don’t need tech skills, but then, we lack tech skills)

  • Am going to advocate to incorporate tech skills questions in this year’s nomination form, but trying to do so in a way that doesn’t make them feel required

10 mins

How’s it going?

Just an open discussion of needs, concerns, or successes so far in term.

  • Updated Rachel on some notes from the group meeting, in particular, sunsetting integrations next term

  • Particular concern for how exactly the Integrations pages, data, survey and responsibility will transition. Bigger picture discussion about the Awesome ArchivesSpace list. Agreed that this will be their focus over next term.

    • Will bring the Awesome idea to Coordinating committee

  • Paige offered to be a bridge, since she rotates off in 2025

5 mins

Vice Leads

The following teams will need Vice Leads to become Leads next term:

  • Metadata

Does anyone need me to intervene?

10 min

General Theme Discussion

  • Cross-team collaboration

  • Improving term transitions

  • Opportunities for recorded trainings

  • Other

Open Mic

✅ Action items


⤴ Decisions