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We’re working on these ideas based on previous suggestions from the community and the planning group. Tell us what you think – and propose more ideas! We’re reserving at least two session slots for new ideas from the community.

Working with Audiovisual Materials in ArchivesSpace (panel) – Videos and films, audio recordings, oral histories - audiovisual materials present a variety of challenges, among them determining how to record information about them in ArchivesSpace. Come hear from different institutions about how they've resolved different AV issues for ArchivesSpace and share your own ideas.

How Does ArchivesSpace Work for You? (lightning round) – What have you found to make ArchivesSpace work especially well for you? Have you found an unusual or unexpected use for ArchivesSpace in your repository? Do you have workflows or data entry methods that streamline your work? Come share tips, tricks, and ideas!

Managing Containers and Locations in ArchivesSpace: A Look at Newly Added and Planned Functionality (traditional session) – Thanks to development work sponsored by ArchivesSpace members Yale University and New York University the containers and locations areas of the application are getting have been substantially revamped. The container management enhancements are appearing in the next public release; the location enhancements will come later this year. Come learn more about what’s new and how to make it work for you.

ArchivesSpace Integrations – A Status Report and Look Ahead (traditional session) – For many institutions, ArchivesSpace is just one of the systems used to manage and provide access to collection materials. Come learn about the status of specific system integrations (examples may be Aeon, Preservica, Archivematica), and how institutions are revamping their workflows to address work across their systems.

Data Cleanup Strategies and Tools (traditional session) – Working with legacy data, moving data from one system to another, reconciling data creation over time and different staff – all of these require some form of data cleanup. Learn about and share your strategies and favorite tools.

Make the Most of Reports in ArchivesSpace (traditional session) – ArchivesSpace provides you with tools to collect and analyze data on your collections. Learn how you can use the reports that are built into ArchivesSpace and share strategies for analyzing your data and sharing information.