The following is a list of items to take into consideration while building out a Style Guide. Feel free to add notes or make comments on any of it.

For information on the Review Process, see the User Documentation Review Process page.

Layout and format - create a template

Basic standards for accessibility:


Paragraph format

Formatting headings


Versioning a page

Pages should be versioned when edits are made to a page based on functional changes introduced in a new version.

Merging and deleting pages

There is no page merge function in Confluence, so merging is really copying and pasting across multiple pages and then deleting the unwanted pages. Deleting pages can only be done by the Community Engagement Coordinator.

Linking to ArchivesSpace documentation outside of the Help Center

It’s better to link to information on the ArchivesSace website than to GitHub because Lyrasis/ArchivesSpace team has more control over the pages, but useful information can be found on both sites. Sources for additional information has been compiled on this page:

Content structure


Consider using Sections and page table of content macro (Possibly consolidate pages, improve navigation?)

Linking to glossary

How to use abbreviations/acronyms

Use cases

Video tutorials

Done by another team. Let Jessica know if a video tutorial is needed.

Pagination and when to create a new page

Global application