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Discussion items





10 min

Check in


25 min

Forum Debrief - overall impressions and thoughts


4 hour sessions are quite long. Offering more/longer breaks is needed.

Having multiple things happening at once over the course of the day is confusing and doesn’t lend itself well to a virtual environment. When more is happening it becomes overwhelming or confusing.

Having shorter sessions on the first day worked well. It made for more digestible chunks and it kept the pace brisk.

There is a big difference between an online event and an in person event. While there is lots gained with online, there is something lost.

The timezone issue is a big unresolvable problem. How can we offer content to all timezones/users?

The workshops were a hit.

The discussion sessions on day 2 were something different and well received. They were long so breaking up would be good. It would help if each sub-team gave a little more context for their work, the team and how to get involved with ArchivesSpace. Online Forum planning team members thought these discussion would be a good place for TAC and UAC sub-teams to drum up potential new members.

15 min

Forum evaluations


Online forum evaluation results sent via email

10 min

Moving forward, thoughts for next year and beyond!
