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Notes for the observers (those who are administering the test)

The tests

Test 1: based on the Pam (archivist) persona

Tester receives a specific research question from an outsider: PLEASE ADD AN APPROPRIATE QUESTION OR TWO HERE

Tester runs the searches in the designated ASpace system: PLEASE PROVIDE WHICH SYSTEM WE SHOULD USE FOR THIS TEST

Tester prepares a response (however they see most fit) to the question.

Test 2: based on the Maynard (archivist) persona

Tester visits the designated ASpace system: PLEASE PROVIDE WHICH SYSTEM WE SHOULD USE FOR THIS TEST

Searches for the record series number for the President George Stoddard records: PROVIDE THIS SERIES NUMBER

Based on results received, ask tester what they would do next with this information.

Test 3: based on the Monique (librarian) persona

Tester is about to teach a lesson on: SPECIFY TOPIC HERE, as well as system that should be used for test

Tester selects a few relevant results. Watch which results tester selects, and ask about the choices made. 

Tester collates that information into one place for reference. What how tester chooses to do this. Ask what they would like to have done.

Test 4: based on the Jamie (academic admin assistant) persona

Tester searches for a very specific item in a specific ASpace system: PLEASE PROVIDE WHICH SYSTEM TO USE AND WHICH ITEM TO SEARCH

Tester locates the accession and box number information for the chosen folder. 

Repeat with a second item/system: PLEASE PROVIDE A SECOND SYSTEM/ITEM.

Do not assist tester with this test. Ask about actions that seem odd, and observe. This test may not be appropriate for test subjects that are not familiar with accession data. 

Test 5: based on the Morgan (photo editor) persona

Tester searches for a very specific image in a specific ASpace system: PLEASE PROVIDE WHICH SYSTEM TO USE AND WHICH ITEM TO SEARCH

Tester locates the item. 

Ask the tester: where do they go and/or who do they contact to access this item? PLEASE PROVIDE CORRECT ANSWER SO THAT WE CAN ASSESS THE SUCCESS OF THE TEST

Repeat with a second item/system: PLEASE PROVIDE A SECOND SYSTEM/ITEM.

Test 6: based on the Nancy (journalist) and Alex (student) personas

Tester searches for digitized images of Ellington sitting at the piano: PLEASE PROVIDE WHICH SYSTEM TO USE

Tester locates the images.

Tester identifies which images are digitized, because those are the only ones that matter for tester's particular needs.

Tester selects one image, and identifies the IP rights of that image. 

Ask the tester: what are the IP rights? What do they need to do next to use the image? PLEASE PROVIDE CORRECT ANSWER SO THAT WE CAN ASSESS THE SUCCESS OF THE TEST