2020-03-25 Meeting notes

2020-03-25 Meeting notes


Mar 25, 20201:30 ET/ 12:30CT/11:30 MT/10:30 PT


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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed) - absent

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Lora Woodford


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more info tickets


Dev. Pri. Survey Summary

Discussion topics









Roll call and announcements


  1. Welcome, @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed) !

  2. Any volunteers for selecting tickets for next month?

  3. Anything else?

  • Welcome!

  • @Randy Kuehn volunteers to assign tickets for April’s meeting



@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

[subtasks of earlier ticket: ANW-408: Review and revise accession importClosed-Will Not Do ]

  1. ANW-409: Implement XML import of accession recordsClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-410: Modifying Accession Importer for Multiple Agents and SubjectsAwaiting More Information

  3. ANW-411: Add ability to import events in accession CSV importerClosed-Will Not Do

  1. and 2. Both ask for ability to add more agents and subjects in accessions imports, either via the CSV importer or implementing XML import for accessions. Current import template is unwieldy. Issue should be pursued, but needs more info.

3. No movement on ticket since 2016; looks like it has been resolved re: collection management fields.

  1. Would need an XML schema, already exists to some extent because there is a MARCXML Accessions importer. @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed) will leave comment and tag Ed to ask for more info about their institutions process.

  2. Seems more feasible to expand, similar to the excel import. Move to Awaiting More Info.

  3. Seems to be resolved. Close.

@Alicia Detelich

  1. ANW-213: As a system administration or repository manager, I want to configure archival inheritance for the public interface through an option in the staff interface rather than the config fileClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-218: As an archivist, I would like there to be EAD3 functionality that allows us to use the new <relations> tagset where I could create any sort of semantic relationship between the entity described with a URI and an external URIAwaiting More Information

  3. ANW-491: As a repository manager, I want to define, save, and reuse different sets of default values for the same record templateClosed-Will Not Do


  1. Leave comment that not very feasible because it would require re-indexing when changing. Close.

  2. Could potentially be resolved through a local plug-in? Is the point to retain this info for an actionable purpose in ASpace proper or is it export the data to be actionable (in which case the exporter could be customized)? Add Metadata tag. Change priority to minor. Move to Awaiting More Info.

  3. Seems like a lot of work without a lot of value add. Close for now, create a new ticket if want to re-open.

@Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-509: As an Archivist, I'd like to be able to create an event type in ASpace without having to also edit the en.yml file.Closed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-622: Public interface converts digital object URI schemes to file: Closed-Will Not Do

  3. ANW-84: As an archivist, I would like to be able to delete an archived background job through the staff interface Ready for Implementation



@Maggie Hughes

  1. ANW-341: "Search Help" should be provided within the new PUIAwaiting More Information

  2. ANW-500: As a staff user, I would like to paste a URI into the "Authority ID" field when creating a subject and have the subject record automatically populate with all metadata (i.e. term, type, source, etc.)/Closed-Will Not Do

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-343

  1. Commented for Mark to clarify “search help.” Otherwise, recommend closing the ticket because the original context/intent is lost.

  2. Seems to be asking for a different workflow from the existing LCNAF import plug-in, though it doesn’t specify the vocabulary/authority file. No comments or ticket creator to ask. Options: community developer (and edit the ticket to clarify a new workflow is desired related to existing plug-in) or close.

  3. New DACS element 8.1 "Rights Statement for Archival Description" isn’t on live DACS site yet. <rightsdeclaration> has been added to EAD3 (child under <control>). Anything needed from MS sub-team? Rec: pass.

  1. Close, unless Mark has additional info.

  2. Close

  3. Pass w/ Metadata standards commenting on where in the finding aid data section. Corresponds to DACS 8.2 and would want a higher priority once SAA Council approves. What type of data should go in there. Does it need to be unique? Does any validation need to happen? What would the export look like in EAD3? Rights declaration tag under control tag. We could link to the draft DACS guidelines on GitHub.

@Randy Kuehn

[the subtasks of the earlier ticket: ANW-392: Review wrap in tag editor and revise accordinglyClosed-Will Not Do ]

  1. ANW-394: Provide a WYSIWYG editor for wrap-in-tag function for enabling mixed contentClosed-Will Not Do

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-395

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-396

  4. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-397

  5. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-563

1. ANW-394: Provide a WYSIWYG editor for wrap-in-tag function for enabling mixed content

  • Assuming the EAD/MARC/PDF exporter can strip invalid tags/errors and there isn't an objection to mixed content, a notes field WYSIWYG would be a helpful addition

  • Recommend: Community Development

2. ANW-395: Wrap and tag should have xlink on various attributes on <extref>

  • This seems to be true for EAD2002 but XLink namespace has been removed in EAD3

  • XLink tag appears in EAD2002 export

  • Recommend: Close

3. ANW-396: As a staff user, I want wrap and tag options for notes that are schema compliant

  • Option #1: Expand wrap in tag option to include <p> tag when compliant - Recommend: Push

  • Option #2: Add wrap in tag options to a WSYWIG See ANW-394 notes above - Recommend: Community Development

4. ANW-397: As an archivist I want the wrap in tag editor to supply attribute options

  • Option #1: Expand wrap in tag option to include formatting & secondary value options for render, actuate, etc. - Recommend: Push

  • Option #2: Add wrap in tag options to a WSYWIG See ANW-394 notes above - Recommend: Community Development

5. ANW-563: format text and live hyperlinks for Notes

  • See ANW-394 notes above

  • Recommend: Community Development


  1. ANW-392: Add comment to recommend a WYSIWYG mixed-content editor be developed as a plug-in, which needs to produce valid markup. Move to Community Developer and all sub-tasks (except ANW-395).

  2. ANW-395: Close.

@Daniel Michelson


  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-361

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-339

A few really mysteriously empty tickets to possibly close???

3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-47

4. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-42

5. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-14

  1. The improvements suggested here would vastly improve the functionality of subject headings. It probably needs more detail before a developer can work on it though.

  2. This is a reasonable suggestion, but along with ANW-629 (linked in the ticket), this raises the broader question of how agents and subjects should be displayed in the PUI. For example, should agents used as subjects come under subjects or related names? Taking this ticket on its own, I’d recommend reducing priority to minor and changing to ready for implementation.

  3. The empty tickets are ideas for new reports judging from the linked epic. Did the reports subteam review these?

  4. Already closed

  5. Same as 3

  1. Comment that this needs to be a part of a comprehensive subjects overhaul. Ready for implementation.

  2. Leave comment to classify subject types by the first term in a subject string. Add what it would look like and what word to call the list of agents-as-subjects in comment. Link to Agent ticket. Pass.

  3. Close.

  4. Close.

  5. Close.

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-775

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-495

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-503

  4. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-3125. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-350

6. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-477

  1. Usability looked at this and feel it should pass with the cataloger’s comments. Ok?

  2. Use cases such as accessioning a 100+ boxes collection and staff needing to add barcodes to top containers without any additional description. Scary, but might be useful?

  3. In my opinion, not a good idea. What do others think?

  4. I suggest to pass this revised version. What do others think?

  5. Isn’t this a duplicate of the already Ready for Implementation ticket:? Can we just close it?

  6. Close ticket. A new ticket is created for reordering in the staff interface (with changes persisting). The PUI use case doesn’t seem strong. This is a confusing ticket. (Notes from our December meeting: @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) comment to focus only on PUI (not SUI) and that it needs more specification. @Lora Woodford comment on what this work might look like (and that it can’t be done with infinite scroll). @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) to draft a ticket to get rid of infinite scroll. Move to Awaiting More Information.)

  1. didn’t discuss yet

  2. Comment that bulk top container creation would happen within the context of a specific Resource. Pass.

  3. Add a comment to add a limitation that this would require barcodes. Come back to this one!

Action items


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