Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2017/06/07

Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2017/06/07


  • Review questions about ArchivesSpace 2.0.1 Reports from ArchivesSpace Technical Lead
  • Discuss next steps for drafting report definitions


The following members of the committee were present:

The following members of the committee were not present:

The following guests were present:


  • Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) noticed that there are 2 reports that detail unprocessed accessions. The committee suggested combining the fields of both reports and not restricting the report to filter accessions that are unprocessed. A more universally useful report might combine basic information about accessions as well as the processing status. This way, archivists may use the report to learn about accessions with processing statuses of Completed, In Progress, New, and not indicated.
  • The group agreed to always include the name of the repository (repository.name) in all reports so that multi-repository sites will be able to easily filter desired results to one or more repositories.
  • The group agreed that report definitions do not need to include examples of exports, but should include the following:
    • description
    • purpose
    • data sources
    • formatting
  • During the next two weeks, Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) will be working with members of the Reports Subteam to develop new reports from the reports specifications provided as part of the group's Recommendations for 2017 March Release. As questions arise, the group will refine a template to use for report definitions moving forward. The group will build initial reports from the Reports Subteam Recommendations for Predefined Reports.
  • As work moves forward on building new reports, members of the subteam are strongly encouraged to develop ways to view their ArchivesSpace MySQL database using MySQL Workbench or other means.