2017-09-21 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2017-09-21 - TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


12:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. MT

Call-In Information

Number: 888-354-0094

Passcode: 731627


Unable to Attend


  • Determine appropriate meeting interval and focus for the group going forward

Discussion items

5 minutesIntroductionsAll
30 minutes

 Group Charge and Meeting Interval

  • Determining kinds of issues that are particularly relevant to discuss as a group
    • Does anyone have a current issue they want to discuss?
  • How frequently should we meet / when should we meet

Prior to 2017, this group had originally met monthly, then bimonthly, and when planning to move to quarterly when Brad left.

Going forward, we decided on bimonthly meetings, with the option to hold less frequently (such as quarterly) if decide there's not enough to talk about. Next meeting will be in November, likely second half. Christine will send out a scheduling poll.

15 minutes

Current and potential cross-council collaboration groups and opportunities

  • Development Prioritization
  • Testing
  • Any others?

We discussed various options for handling reporting for cross-council groups - the goal is to make sure that the leaders of these groups are supported similarly to other sub-teams and know to whom to bring issues (and who is looking out for the group when there are issues). Development Prioritization is currently led by a TAC member and Testing by a UAC member. Decided that these leaders will report to their respective council chair - i.e. Dev Prioritization reports to TAC and Testing reports to UAC. The Chairs from both will still participate in these groups as they wish.

We also discussed balance between the Councils on these subteams, both in membership and leadership. It may be good to rotate leadership so that the next time a leader is needed for Testing he/she comes from TAC and the next time a leader is needed for Dev Prioritization he/she comes from UAC, but we will keep an eye on this.

Action items
