Sarit: It looks great! Can plan to mention it at the forum next week
Joshua: Next step is to copy/paste this working draft to replace the old published version. Can do that very soon if the group thinks the page looks good.
ArchivesSpace Integrations Form: Should be updated. Doesn’t need all 29 versions of ArchivesSpace, does need newer versions
Everyone is on board with replacing the live version with this version. Valerie will update the Google Form to make it more closely aligned to the page.
Ability to focus on one specific set of things without worrying about everything else
2019-2020 Integrations README
Concept of the retrospective worked. We used the previous term’s retrospective to draft the README
People were responsive when contacted about existing integrations
What could be improved?
Trying to find what integrations are out there was challenging. Challenge to find the ones that don’t advertise themselves or are more niche integrations.
Sub-groups might place more of a burden on the lead overall