Minutes - 2015-01-06

Minutes - 2015-01-06


  • Principles for ead import/export

- All ead import / export should be based on schema compliance
- Imports should be resolved consistently; for example, even though an unitdate can be wrapped in a unittitle or not, it should always resolve one way

We will attempt to base ead import on schematron
-Mark C. will begin investigating
-Nathan can help Marc with json model documentation
-integrating schematron should help with improved error messaging, including line numbers, etc.

  • EAD imnport/export testing:

Finding Aids in the tracer repository, at http://test.archivesspace.org/ will be available in a couple days for our testing.

Noah has volunteered to test these when available.

Any other members who can should test, or have others at their institutions test, additional finding aids (Mark, Noah, and Michael said in the concall they could do this, others welcome).

Nathan would like some timing tests on larger finding aids, Mark (?) mentioned a 5 mb FA that he could try.

Please have feedback in by Feb. 1

  • EAC

Cory and Brad will kick off testing EAC

  • For now we will hold off on any Digital Object testing.
  • We should be poised for EAD3 testing sometime after March.