2020-10-23 Meeting notes

2020-10-23 Meeting notes

Oct 23, 2020 at 1 pm ET/ noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Ashley Knox

@Jessica Crouch

@kate (Unlicensed) Blalack


  • Discuss timeline for Code of Conduct

  • Discuss Members Match first steps

  • schedule meetings for November and December





ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct

What’s the timeline for review and approval?

need to send out to the community

How should we get feedback?

Google form that asks for general feedback and to copy specific language that they are referring to

Have a month for the community to give feedback - send out reminders

November 11 - open community call; could share and discuss the code of conduct during the call; open for feedback then and have the deadline for feedback be December 11

Timeline for implementation? implemented by January 1; will live on the ArchivesSpace website under the About tab; will include in materials sent to new members

Members Match Program

Need to discuss:

  • Proposal

    • create/set expectations

    • create matches

    • gather information about people to make matches - specific questions

      • consider institution

      • modules you are familiar and not familiar with

    • categories for matches?

    • consider when matches happen - annually or on a rolling basis

  • Timeline

  • Software apps to use for forms

  • Questions to ask potential matches

need to review documentation for implementation buddies program: webinar on announcing the program; Jessica will review former Community Engagement Coordinator files to see what is available

How to start:

  • review documentation from the Implementation Buddies program

  • start a google doc for all of our ideas

  • consider software to use

  • make sure we don’t need board approval - probably not needed

  • create documentation on what this is - mission and purpose for the program

  • present program and open applications during March Online Forum

  • have an event at the annual forum, such as a coffee break


Reschedule November's and December’s meetings

currently scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas

change to November 20 and December 18 at 1 pm ET

Other business



Action Items:

create a Google form for feedback from the community on Code of Conduct @Bailey Hoffner
Attend November 11 Open Call and share the code of conduct
Assign someone to speak during the Open Call
Review the Implementation Buddies program documentation
add notes to Google docs for the Members Match program