2021-01-21 TAC meeting notes

2021-01-21 TAC meeting notes


Jan 21, 2021

Zoom Info


Meeting ID: 675 474 7694

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  • @Valerie Addonizio

  • @Jared Campbell

  • @Blake Carver

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed) (regrets)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @James Griffin (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

  • @Andrew Morrison (Unlicensed)

  • @Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • @Dallas Pillen

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Kevin Schlottmann (regrets)

  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Kat Stefko

  • @Trevor Thornton

  • @saron tran

  • @Lora Woodford

Discussion topics









5 min

Hello, roll call, etc.

@Trevor Thornton

@Randy Kuehn

  • Notetaker: @Elizabeth Roke

  • Next time (going alphabetically): @Kevin Schlottmann

2 min

Recent Contributions

@Trevor Thornton

Shoutouts since December!

  • Listserv:

    • Andrew Morrison

  • Jira tickets:

    • Elizabeth Roke

    • (and Randy for DevPri)

2 mins

Updates & announcements

@Trevor Thornton

  • Save the date: Council Leadership meeting, Wednesday, February 10, 11 am - 12:30 pm EST

  • Next meeting will be joint w/ UAC, probably in March - Doodle to come!

  • 2 more TAC-only meetings this term - April and June

5 mins

Program update

@Christine Di Bella

  • Webinar last week about upcoming release on Agents

  • Fixing some issues uncovered during testing, looking at early February for a release candidate; should be sending it back to the testing group next week or week

  • Those interested in testing the Agents module (beyond the testing group), please get in touch with Christine.

  • Information to be released about the AS online forum soon! Jessica will be reaching out to some of the AS teams to possibly participate on the program.

  • 2 finalists for the Tech Lead position. Hoping to make an offer soon.

15 mins

Sub-team and Working Group updates





@Dallas Pillen

  • Added 3 new integrations to the Wiki page

  • Planning to ask the AS community for additional integrations to add

  • Talking to Dev-Pri about adding an integrations tag to Jira

  • Hoping to participate in the Forum and upcoming AS webinars



@Rachel Searcy

  • No testing since v.3.0 agents testing in December


Development Prioritization

@Randy Kuehn

  • 15 new tickets created; 2 resolved

  • 76 tickets need prioritization for feature requests

  • 3 bug tickets need prioritization

  • How can we get tickets bumped up in priority? Either put a comment on the ticket or contact Randy.


Metadata Standards

@Elizabeth Roke


Tech Docs

@Trevor Thornton

Still waiting for feedback on re-organized docs repo:



API Documentation

@Trevor Thornton

Pull requests submitted with updated API documentation:





20 mins

Discussion - Council Leadership meeting

@Randy Kuehn

Idea for meeting came about in leadership team to strategize about ways that we could improve how subgroups operate, especially decreasing the administrative burden and improving workflows and communication. Recent survey designed to reveal overlaps between subgroups and expose the work being done.

What do we think is going well in subgroups?

  • Diversity in each subgroup, esp. in technology and archival expertise skillsets

    • Should there be skillsets required for participation on teams? Worry that we might lose contributions from people that don’t have specific skills; maybe we should offer sessions/resources that cross-pollinate these skillsets among team members.

    • Is there a page on Archivesspace.org on how to get involved with teams? Yes, but potential for ways to make it easier to find this info. and encourage people to join the community.

    • Should we survey team members about skillsets and strengths prior to subteam assignments? Or list these in the description of the subteam? Maybe have a listing of the competencies that participation in a group will help develop.

    • New people on teams can also help re-energize them and get work done!


  • Creating continuity from year to year so that work doesn’t lose momentum

    • Create documentation for team leaders to routinely wind down the year and document the year’s activities (see integrations team for an example); could be part of the retrospective document

    • Encourage leaders to remain on their former group for the next year or invite them to the first meeting of the new team to give an overview of the last year

Not going as well?

  • Desire for a strategic plan or master calendar to align the development roadmap with the activities of the council

    • Wouldn’t want to limit activity to the roadmap but coordination would be valuable

    • A framework to be able to predict and schedule time-sensitive activities (such as testing windows) would be helpful

5 mins

Open mic



2 mins.

Closing notes

@Trevor Thornton


Action items


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