2021-09-24 Meeting agenda and notes
Sep 24, 2021 at 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 12 pm MT/ 11am PT
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@Regina Carra
@Bailey Hoffner - regrets
@Patrick Milhoan
@Sarah Ponichtera
@kate (Unlicensed)Blalack - absent
@Jessica Crouch
Brainstorm membership/Member Match engagement forums, re: discussion from last month’s meeting
Review Subteam calendar, particularly for the Fall/Winter
Discuss and plan “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” membership flyer
Discuss and plan next Member Match event for November/December
Topic | Updates/Notes |
Reminder – Joint TAC/UAC Meeting on September 30 at 11am ET,
| Regina will present Member Engagement Work Plan 2021-2022 |
Sub-team Calendar https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZAoexFy0ob2Io9E0Jh9Vh4YWCCu2vy-wg6JpoMlSrko/edit?usp=sharing For reference: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GswG7my_NxpUnPQS6FuDbZTAMxJbbJnQT-vOngPgEL8/edit?usp=sharing | Quick overview – consulted in the following bullet points. Bailey may turn this into a calendar view on Airtable. Patrick and Sarah not included on Google Drive – Regina will email Christine
“Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” membership webpage/flyer | Idea: Jessica compiles and makes a first draft, Sub-team edits Schedule: Jessica can provide draft by November meeting; subteam will give feedback; subteam will present membership webpage for January or February UAC meeting Note: subteam providing feedback on the content, not layout. Jessica will create webpage on ArchivesSpace website |
Next Member Match event | “Show me Your User Doc” – Regina briefly presented idea at the User Doc Subteam meeting and received positive feedback Early November date at 1pm ET or 2pm ET Regina will get in touch with User Doc Subteam about dates – November 2, 4, 9 Format – Zoom meeting, one room. Very casual. Will not be recorded. Representative from User Docs (Regina, or someone else) and/or Jessica will present the User Manual on Confluence. Then the room will be opened for other participants to share their resources. Jessica will take notes and ask participants if they would like their resources to be referenced or linked for participants to access later. Notes will be available with the Member Match page on Confluence. If this event goes well, we may consider doing this event for the ASpace community at large |
ADP Updates | Only one ADP participant has signed up for Member Match. Decided to move forward with matching that person with someone who volunteered to be an ADP match. Jessica to reach out to first choices to confirm interest in match
Continue conversation from last meeting about member/Member Match communication channels | Decided to create a listserv for the Member Match program based on requests from participants to communicate directly with the cohort. Jessica believes this will help coordinate program announcements Concern: we are creating a venue that has proven to be popular in-theory and underutilized in practice. We don’t want to burden people with another communication channel. Solution: Evaluate the listserv as part of the “pilot” year of the project. Include it as part of the half-year and end-of-year evaluation. In general: Subteam should consider conducting an evaluation and community feedback survey on communication channels in general as a supplement project to the Member Match program. This kind of evaluation could be conducted every 3 years or so. |
Action Items