2021-11-16 Meeting Notes
November 16, 2021
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Meeting ID: 391 036 6448
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Meeting ID: 391 036 6448
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@Joanne Archer (Unlicensed)
Kate Blalack
@Kellen Carpenter
@Cory Nimer
@Althea Topek
Notetaker: Joanne
Usability google drive: Usability Subteam - Google Drive
2021 Work plan: 2021-2022 Usability Team Workplan
Jira Bug board: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15
Jira Feature requests: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=16
Welcome/additions to agenda
Debrief from meeting with Christine
Review Tickets (see below)
DevPri updates
Next steps
Discussion topics/Notes
Topic | Items | Notes |
Welcome/Agenda review |
Debrief from meeting with Christine | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PdCMr0rGk-q1CEMaSfV0GWPZZlquojxwp02a16Lg8GA/edit | Team should review spawning specification and put any comments into google doc. Althea will try to do the mapping to the digital object record. |
Ticket review | ANW-1206: Visual cue for materials that have been digitizedClosed-Complete
| Joanne will do a wireframe for the visual cue. Althea will follow up with Dev Pri to see what they need from us on ANW-1285. |
DevPri updates |
| ANW-1001: Add config options to staff interfaceReady for Implementation was passed. Will likely be slow to move through process. |
Next steps |
| Next meeting December 21. Joanne may try to change the date to earlier in the month. |
Action items