2022-01-27 and 2022-02-03 Metadata meeting notes
Microsoft Teams meeting
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@Elizabeth Roke
@Valerie Addonizio
@Kevin Schlottmann
@Jared Campbell - regrets
@Regine Heberlein
@Valerie Addonizio
Quick links
Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV
Test records: ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards Sub-Team
Published import/export AS standard: Migration Tools and Data Mapping - ArchivesSpace
The MARC importer: Spreadsheet | Code
EAD 2002 importer: Spreadsheet | Code
Holding pen for ideas: 2022 Online Forum Ideas and Questions
Current Work Plan
2021-2022 Metadata Sub-team Work Plan
Previous Agendas
2021-08-19 Metadata meeting notes
2021-09-16 Metadata meeting notes
2021-10-20 Metadata meeting notes
2021-11-11 Metadata meeting notes
2021-12-09 Metadata meeting notes
Discussion Topics
Time | Item | Notes |
5 mins | Intro | Two meetings back to back, one agenda (this one); James' resignation from TAC; new meeting time? |
| AS Online Forum: March 21-22, 2022 | Presenting was one of our workplan goals for this term. Please review our preexisting page for 2022 Online Forum Ideas and Questions But now the rubber hits the road! We should:
| Records in Context | Please see your email (subject line
| Tiers of Support | Please review and comment here: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/l/c/17RXGJP7 Goal is to publish this by the end of term. Background: This was an effort that partly pre-dated my work on TAC-MD and is an entirely new topic for some. The point of this document is to state what standards AS supports and more significantly, to what degree they are supported. The definitions and explanations are a distillation of past conversations, while the actual list of standards themselves is a holdover from last term or the term before, and is something we will revisit. For example, is it time that EAC-CPF be upgraded to Tier 1 support? Does the talk around EAD4 mean we leave EAD3 Tier 2? Etc. |
| MARC importer documentation and progress | We are not finished with MARC yet! This topic is especially significant for the AS Online Forum as being able to present a list of things being removed, a list of things being added, and the new mapping will all be significant preparations.
| MARC 510 versus 581 | @Kevin Schlottmann Review of an ongoing discussion re: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1350 |
Above was 2022-01-27; below was 2022-02-03 | ||
| Updates from last time (one whole week later) |
| New/Ongoing ticket review | In the last meeting we reviewed https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-547 and we had the following comments. Another review of this ticket is a low priority (at this time) given the items above.
This was particularly difficult. There is a lot in here, would be better broken up into multiple user stories. Reading this as the ability to emulate the repeatable unitid with a type attribute in EAD. Better argument at the archival object level because there are some ways to work around this in Resources with the use of plugins. Different use case of managing agents because there are different authority records, but ArchivesSpace should be the database of record. Hesitance about prioritizing giving intellectual records multiple identifiers. No solid conclusion today, will continue to revisit. |
| Kevin’s drafted ticket | Kevin sent us a draft of a ticket requesting that the AS importer code confirm the elements that were handled by an ingest process, allowing users an assessment of what was not handled. Here is his draft, below:
As a user, I would like all importers to generate a report of every element from a source record that is handled. I would like this functionality for all imported record types (MARC, EAD, EAC-CPF, csv). For example, if I'm importing a MARCXML record with a 245 field, subfield a, I would like an indication that the field was handled by the importer. If possible, noting *where* it was imported would be desirable as well. For example, 245$a -> Title. This idea came up in the Metadata Standards subgroup as we were reflecting on all the data that the importers silently skip. Metadata Standards plans to propose that the importers handle fewer elements (so it is easier to document and maintain), meaning the importance of this functionality will increase. We would also like whatever report is generated to encourage the user to check the report against the source record, to identify any skipped fields. If this is something that could be addressed, Metadata Standards would be happy to provide more specific examples and input. |
| Missing retrospectives | Elizabeth let me know that we are missing retrospectives from the Wiki. I raised this question and Christine said that she, as the admin, does have access to the deleted pages, but asked that we try and confirm what is missing given that Metadata hasn’t been around for long and that retrospectives may have been appended to other pages. We have only been around for two terms prior to this one:
| EAD Mapping reorganization | Purely optional: Opening the floor to @Regine Heberlein to show us her continuing work and invite comments. |
5 min | Next steps/homework |
Action Items
Long term Action Items (by or at end of term)
Minutes are included in agenda, above.