2022-01-06 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Jan 6, 2022

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@Daniel Michelson

@Randy Kuehn

@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to Attend


Discussion topics









5 min

Happy New Year!



5 min

Anything left to say on ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization?


From Valerie: Members of TAC-Metadata that pre-date my time on the subteam have let me know that we are missing retrospectives. – Valerie will check with the team since it’s unclear what they think is missing given the small number of retrospectives Metadata could have as a fairly new team. Confluence admins (Christine) can retrieve deleted files.

15 min

Next joint TAC/UAC meeting


Will poll for availability and think about what to discuss. Have been saying it will be in February, though it was in March last year.

20 min

Timelines, templates project


The timeline is drafted, but there are areas to fill in, like adding relevant resource links and resolving ambiguities about timing and responsibility for different activities. Valerie will work on the links, Dan and Randy will work on the ambiguities. We’ll revisit this discussion next month.
After this template is set, Valerie’s “campaign promise” as next year’s TAC Chair is to work through the template with each TAC team.

10 min

RiC issue raised by Greg Wiedeman


Turnaround to meet the stated deadline for comments is very tight and we are unlikely to meet it. But, it may be possible to give the group a head’s up that we’d like to submit comments a little later on.
We discussed that the Metadata Standards sub-team was in contact with Daniel Pitti a couple years ago about raising RiC awareness in the ArchivesSpace community, beginning with the Metadata Standards sub-team. For various reasons that never happened, but it may be worth revisiting the idea.


Discussion of recruitment overall and ongoing difficulties with filling leadership positions


Some ideas for further consideration:

  • What is ideal for sub-team placement? Should people have more freedom to choose their team, especially after their first year? We’ll want feedback on this (some already provided through the TAC survey)

  • Should we raise the expectation that people serve on more than one sub-team?

  • Should we consider requesting a change to the Bylaws to increase the size of the Councils beyond 17?

  • Need for greater transparency, communication, and encouragement around leadership to get people more comfortable about serving. We’ve been working on this quite a bit in recent years, but there’s always more that can be done.

Action items
