2022-02-15 Meeting Notes
February 15, 2022
Kate Blalack - regrets
@Kellen Carpenter
@Cory Nimer
@Althea Topek
Notetaker: Althea
Usability google drive: Usability Subteam - Google Drive
2021 Work plan: 2021-2022 Usability Team Workplan
Jira Bug board: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=15
Jira Feature requests: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=16
Welcome/additions to agenda
PDF improvements
Discussion topics/Notes
Topic | Items | Notes |
Welcome/Agenda review |
Review and submit spawning specification comments | We can ask Christine if we can provide more feedback after hearing back about the customization question | |
Update on ANW-1206: Visual cue for materials that have been digitizedClosed-Complete |
PDF improvements |
| They should look the same. How can the hierarchy be presented better? We can add a few recommendations and ask questions on what they are looking for. Should we review PDF tickets? |
Next steps |
Action items