2015-10-12 TAC/UAC Coordintating Team: Meeting notes

2015-10-12 TAC/UAC Coordintating Team: Meeting notes


; 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EDT




  • Update on ASpace, TAC, and UAC activities
  • Planning for near term future

Discussion items

10 minASpace Program updateBrad W.

Three updates:

1) 1.4.0 released on 9/29. It addressed two performance bugs. A 1.4.1 release will soon be distributed to address three bugs discovered in the 1.4.0 release.

2) ASpace team attended a LYRASIS all-staff meeting from 9/28-10/2. Outcomes include: consolidation of ASpace technology on LYRASIS servers. This means migration Atlassian software suite (Confluence and JIRA) to LYRASIS, as well as moving ASpace sandbox, test, and demo instances. LYRASIS staff will stand as resources for migration issues and will also help out with production of training instances for workshops.

3) Departure of Angela Spinazzè (Unlicensed) on 10/16 from LYRASIS.

15 minTAC UpdateSally V.

Sub-teams are all constituted, and three (technical documentation, integrations, and migrations) have met and are actively building their work plans for the year. Code committers are in the process of scheduling its first meeting. It's not clear yet how Bug Wranglers will proceed.

TAC call is scheduled for 10/19.

15 minUAC UpdateGordon D.

UAC call took place on 9/11; next call is on 11/5.

Currently, three sub-teams are in place: features prioritization and testing, user documentation, and reports.

During the last UAC call it was decided to dispense with a "help desk" sub-team, with all members of UAC now participating to answer user questions.

The Feature Prioritization and Testing team will be closing sprint 16 on 10/16 and starting sprint 17 the same day.

Production of video tutorials will be responsibility of the User Documentation sub-team rather than a new sub-team.

 Involving Features Prioritization and Testing sub-team more in prioritizationAll presentDiscussed how to involve the features prioritization sub-team more in the prioritization process, especially for setting priorities for the 2016 calendar. It was noted that the 14-day sprint cycle now in place makes greater involvement difficult, as much of the time of sub-team members is given over to testing. It was suggested that moving to two release cycle per year, instead of four, and to 30-day sprint cycles might make it possible to devote more of the sub-teams attention to prioritization. It was decided to discuss the question with Julie Patton (Unlicensed), leader of the sub-team and, if agreeable, to start discussions with the features prioritization sub-team in early November.

Action items

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