2022-03-23 Meeting notes
Mar 23, 2022
@Sarit Hand
@Elizabeth Dunham
@Christine Di Bella
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Discussion topics
Time | Item | Notes |
5 min | Roll call and icebreaker | Icebreaker question: When and where is your next vacation (or staycation!)? |
| Checking in on progress from the working meetings
From the meeting discussion
Good progress has been made on the survey. Finishing it will be the focus of the upcoming working meetings. Doing it as a Google Form makes the most sense since that gives the group member’s the most control over editing. |
20 min | Integrations discussion for April TAC meeting | Many of the items originally posed for discussion have been resolved within our own meetings or discussions, so the focus will be showcasing the work of the sub-team this year.
| Future of the Integrations sub-team | The Council leadership has been discussing whether it makes sense to move this sub-team to a new model going forward (something similar to what’s done with the Awesome ArchivesSpace list, which started as a TAC working group and now is in maintenance mode with the TAC Vice Chair as the maintainer). Sarit suggested even if moving to a different model it may be useful for there to be one more term to wrap up the main tasks needed to move to maintenance mode. Sarit would be willing to lead the team next year if that happens. The Council leadership will continue to discuss possibilities and make a decision before teams need to be assigned prior to the new term. |