2022-07-15 TAC/UAC New Member Orientation
Jul 15, 2022 12pm ET / 11am CT / 10 am MT / 9am PT
ArchivesSpace is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: TAC/UAC New Member Orientation
Time: Jul 15, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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@Valerie Addonizio - TAC Chair
@Kate Bowers
@Elizabeth M. Caringola
@Regina Carra - UAC Chair
@Kevin Clair
@Gordon Daines - Governance Board Liaison to TAC and UAC
@Christine Di Bella - ArchivesSpace Program Manager
@Paige Monlux (Unlicensed)
@Mary Pedraza
@Alexis Peregoy (Unlicensed)
@Eden Orelove
@Suzanne Reller - UAC Vice-Chair
@Rachel Searcy - TAC Vice-Chair
@Keli Schmid
@Chris Tanguay
@Cheylon Woods
New member introductions
Jira/Confluence tutorial
Overview of TAC & UAC
Overview of subteams and working groups
Answer questions from new members
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 mins | Introductions | @Regina Carra @Valerie Addonizio | Ice Breaker: Name, Institution, Favorite ArchivesSpace Module/Feature |
5 mins | ArchivesSpace program and governance | @Christine Di Bella | |
15 mins | Communication & collaboration tools | @Christine Di Bella |
5 mins | Responsibilities and Expectations | @Regina Carra @Valerie Addonizio | Responsibilities and Expectations Yearly Timeline of Council Activities Meetings:
Leading by example when possible:
5 mins | TAC Subteams and working groups | @Valerie Addonizio |
5 mins | UAC subteams | @Regina Carra |
5 mins | Cross-council teams | @Regina Carra @Valerie Addonizio |
5 mins | Next Steps | @Valerie Addonizio | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Z6RRzhxJj5gFUAJ65fHksJ3UiW-NKkJ9pbR582FSxI/edit?usp=sharing
2. Read the Retrospectives for your new subteams: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3109847050 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3118039041 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3120398355
https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2983428132 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3120234497
https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3125739562 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2725117956 https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3130228737
3. Bookmark the following (if you’re into that): Everyone The page you’re on right now! The Homepage of the Advisory Councils Wiki Space – This link will bring you to the top-most level in the Wiki space after which you can navigate the tree on the left side of the screen to find your destination. If you are more comfortable with direct navigation, navigate here first, find your destination, and then bookmark it for future use. System Dashboard View of the ASpace JIRA – This is the link I (Valerie) keep on my bookmarks toolbar. There are a few ways to splash down into JIRA, but this is my favorite.
UAC 2022-2023 Roster, Meeting Agendas, and Notes – Navigate here to find the agendas of UAC-specific meetings, which are the monthly meetings attended by all of UAC. You are prompted to attend these by first filling our Doodle polls sent by your Chair, Regina. Navigate to The Homepage of the Advisory Councils Wiki Space to find your subteam’s section and bookmark it! This will help you practice your wiki navigation in this space. 2022-2023 TAC/UAC Meeting Agendas and Notes – Navigate here to find the agendas of UAC/TAC Joint meetings, which are special meetings attended by all members of both councils a few times a year. You are prompted to attend these by first filling our Doodle polls co-signed by both Chairs, both Regina and Valerie. These meetings require advanced planning to accommodate so many attendees. UAC Google Drive – Navigate here to find your subteam’s Google Drive folder, should you need to access it. Some subteams use Google Drive a lot, some rarely. Guidance on when to use Confluence vs. Google drive is available here, though please note that the link may change. To wayfind this information if the link is broken, navigate to Council Handbook > Communication and Collaboration Resources > Tools and Workspaces.
TAC 2022-2023 TAC Meeting Agendas and Notes – Navigate here to find the agendas of TAC-specific meetings, which are the monthly meetings attended by all of TAC. You are prompted to attend these by first filling our Doodle polls sent by your Chair, Valerie. Navigate to The Homepage of the Advisory Councils Wiki Space to find your subteam’s section and bookmark it! This will help you practice your wiki navigation in this space. TAC Google Drive – Navigate here to find your subteam’s Google Drive folder, should you need to access it. Some subteams use Google Drive a lot, some rarely. Guidance on when to use Confluence vs. Google drive is available here, though please note that the link may change. To wayfind this information if the link is broken, navigate to Council Handbook > Communication and Collaboration Resources > Tools and Workspaces.
Cross-Council In addition to the resources for your parent council mentioned above, consider bookmarking Cross-Council Google Drive – Navigate here to find your subteam’s Google Drive folder, should you need to access it. Some subteams use Google Drive a lot, some rarely. Guidance on when to use Confluence vs. Google drive is available here, though please note that the link may change. To wayfind this information if the link is broken, navigate to Council Handbook > Communication and Collaboration Resources > Tools and Workspaces.
10 mins | Questions |