2022-07-28 Integrations Meeting Notes

2022-07-28 Integrations Meeting Notes


Jul 28, 2022

Zoom/Meeting Info


  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Elizabeth Dunham - Notetaker

  • @Austin Munsell - Absent with notice

  • @Paige Monlux (Unlicensed)

Quick Links

Current Work Plan


  • Set monthly meeting schedule

  • Review Goals

  • Survey Announcement

Discussion topics









2 mins


@Sarit Hand

Welcome back!

Review meeting notes layout and content.

5 mins

Meet & greet

Introduce each other: Name, title, place of employment.

Ice breaker: What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten at work?

5 mins


@Sarit Hand

Meet on the first Thursday of the month including a meeting before the Forum at 2.30 EST on August 18.

Additional working sessions may be added depending on need. Work likely to pick up after responses to the survey come in.

@Sarit Hand will send invites to the group meetings.

10 mins



Individually review links and other related materials to prepare to discuss: 2021-2022 Integrations Retrospective, 2022-2023 Integrations Work Plan, etc. (see above Quick Links)

Everyone was already prepared, so this section was skipped.

5 mins

Review retrospective

@Elizabeth Dunham

Major tasks were updating display of Integration subpages on Confluence and updating the survey used to gather information about new integrations and updates to currently listed integrations. This work included adding and/or standardizing definitions of terms and facilitating maintenance using templates to enable easier migration of information from the survey to the webpage.

10 mins

Current Tasks


5 mins

Open discussion


(Time dependent upon progress of meeting)

Ask questions.


Action items

Write up survey announcement and distribute to team for review, @Sarit Hand
Send out meeting invitation for August 18 and poll to determine regular monthly meeting time, @Sarit Hand
Identify outlets to publicize survey beyond ASpace users group, including SAA Collections Management Group.
Move survey to ASpace Google Drive, @Elizabeth Dunham
Assemble links and or email addresses for groups where the survey will be posted. @Austin Munsell
Post announcement. @Sarit Hand and @Austin Munsell



Previous Meeting Notes:

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