2022-09-12 Meeting notes

2022-09-12 Meeting notes


Sep 7, 2022


  • @Margaret Kidd

  • @Rebecca Baugnon

  • @Johanna Carll (Unlicensed)

  • @Regina Carra

  • @Eden Orelove

  • @Jessica Crouch


User Documentation Review Process

User Documentation Style Guide

Future User Doc projects

User Manual Review


 Discussion topics

Agenda Item



Agenda Item



Welcome and hello!




  • Digital Object page reviews - are these complete?

  • Spawning Archival Objects from Accession Records - published, any feedback on the process of creating a new page?

  • Page watcher assignments - Johanna offered to rework the list

  • UAC meeting - our subteam discussion at UAC is set for January; will decide at later meeting what to focus on.

Margaret to review the pages Johanna completed. Eden is working on the pages assigned to Liz, others can help finish those four pages.

Rebecca - questions on thumbnails, having problems writing a caption, may be a bug. Make representative feature is not working, was a proof of concept that hasn’t been built out. Jessica suggest making a note about it.

Ready for implementation = ready but not necessarily going into the next release

Ready for testing = closer to finished and likely in next release.

Johanna - checked page watching assignment to ensure that all pages are listed and broke them out of the sections they were previously in.


Work plan

User Documentation Work Plan/Goals - review and finalize plan.

  • Discuss reaching out to Dev Pri, Member Engagement, and Testing if they get feedback that could be useful for our team and help guide our work.

Joint UAC/TAC Meeting

Once again, this meeting falls when Margaret is on vacation (19 Sept. 2022). Margaret will add the necessary info to the UAC/TAC agenda. Who is attending the meeting?


Next round of pages to review

Which section would everyone like to tackle next?

  • Jessica suggested User Basics as the next section to review/edit.

  • Decided team will finish up the last few DO pages and brainstorm on how best to tackle creating a list of fields that do and do not publish to the PUI.

 Action items

Sign up for pages on the Sub-Team Section Assignments 2022-2023 page.
Finish up DO pages
Brainstorm for next meeting how best to create a comprehensive list of fields that publish to the PUI.


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