2022-2023 Dev Pri Work Plan

2022-2023 Dev Pri Work Plan

The primary work of Dev/Pri will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development. In addition:

  • The subteam will

    • Share agendas with TAC and UAC and extend an open invitation to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on.

    • Improve documentation of the process of consulting with other subteams on certain tickets.

  • Depending on the pace of new tickets and other factors, the subteam may

    • Present at 2023 ArchivesSpace online forum about the work of the group.

    • Select a few “Awaiting More Information” tickets of particular value and seek additional community feedback or otherwise attempt to resolve them.

    • Create a running list of tickets that require additional community feedback and share list with broader community.


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