2023-02-21 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting


Feb 21, 2023 1pm ET / 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT

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  • @Valerie Addonizio (TAC Chair) - Present

  • @Rachel Searcy (TAC Vice-Chair) - Present

  • @Elizabeth Dunham - Present

  • @Sarit Hand - Regrets

  • @Randy Kuehn - Present

  • @Austin Munsell - Regrets

  • @Elizabeth Roke - Present

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Regine Heberlein - Present

  • @Kevin Clair - Present

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Paige Monlux - Regrets

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola - Present

  • @Cheylon Woods

  • @Matt Strauss - Present


  • @Regina Carra (UAC Chair)- Present

  • @Suzanne Reller (UAC Vice-Chair)- Present

  • @Johanna Carll

  • @Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed) - Present

  • @Bailey Hoffner - Present

  • @Margaret Kidd - Present

  • @Daniel Michelson - Present

  • @Patrick Milhoan

  • @Matthew Neely - Present

  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Sarah Ponichtera -Regrets

  • @Keli Schmid

  • @Eden Orelove - Present

  • @Mary Pedraza

  • @Rebecca Baugnon -regrets

  • @Chris Tanguay

ASpace Program/Board

  • @Gordon Daines - Present

  • @Christine Di Bella - Present

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed) - Present

  • @Brian Zelip - Present


  • Work Plan Updates

  • Discussion led by Development Prioritization









5 min


Ice-Breaker/Zoom poll

@Regina Carra @Valerie Addonizio

Which artwork best depicts how I feel right now? (choices on screen)

All pieces from art collection of American Folk Art Museum, New York, New York.

For more info:

A – “Untitled,” Minnie Evans

B – “Porcupine,” David Alvarez

C – “Untitled (Extraordinary Soldiers series)” Daldo Marte

D – “Crouching Man,” Milton Moore

E – “Star Variation Quilt,” Leola Pettway

F – “Ostrich,” Felipe Benito Archuleta

5 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

25 min

(max 3 mins/sub-team)

Sub-team Reports




  • Your sub-team’s work this term

  • Any notable accomplishments/goals reached

  • Goal(s) for remainder of the term


TAC sub-team work plans

Integrations: @Sarit Hand @Elizabeth Dunham


Metadata Standards: @Regine Heberlein @Kevin Schlottmann

  • Link to workplan:

  • working towards comprehensive field-by-field import mapping for EAD2002 ( )

  • finished prioritization of DACS and (nearly, at time of writing) ISAD-G entities

  • identified formatting tags/attributes

  • currently reviewing testbed


Tech Docs: @Rachel Searcy

  • Link to workplan:

  • Completed!

    • Clarified access to tech-docs GitHub repository and documented processes for adding new contributors at different permissions levels.

    • Identified and documented who on the sub-team is responsible for reviewing and merging pull requests.

    • Documented information about the purpose and composition of the sub-team.

  • In progress!

    • Documentation about how to review and merge pull requests

    • Collaboration with User Docs (UAC) sub-team about our respective documentation

    • Monitoring and engagement with email lists

  • Upcoming!

    • Comprehensive improvement of TechDocs with ArchivesSpace developers (included in 2023 roadmap)

    • Present at April TAC meeting


UAC sub-team work plans


Member Engagement: @Bailey Hoffner @Patrick Milhoan

  • Link to workplan:

  • Member Match quarterly events going well

    • Upcoming 3rd event with Dan Michelson joining for a discussion of Jira ticketing

  • Surveys continue to show that finding/making time to “get together” is the biggest challenge for matches

  • Blog Post


Usability: @Cory Nimer

  • Link to workplan:

  • Reviewed two assigned Jira tickets, as well as the community-developed bulk updater plugin

  • Currently reviewing workplan for the remainder of the term


User Docs: @Margaret Kidd @Rebecca Baugnon

  • Link to workplan:

  • Accomplishments

    • Completed work on Digital Object pages

    • Meeting with Tech Docs to discuss documentation and access

    • Led discussion at UAC meeting in January

  • In Progress

    • Wrapping up review of Managing User Accounts and User Permissions

    • Working on comprehensive list of fields that publish/don’t publish to PUI

    • Creating and updating pages for new functionality that is rolling out (e.g, import subject headings, spawing digital objects, etc.)


Cross Council sub-team work plans

Dev Pri: @Daniel Michelson @Matthew Neely

  • Link to workplan:

  • Accomplishments to date

    • Reviewed 90 tickets (53 passed for implementation, 3 passed for community development, 20 closed, 14 awaiting more information)

    • Began sharing meeting agendas with TAC/UAC ahead of time and issue standing invitation (several people have taken advantage)

  • Still to come

    • More tickets

    • Improve documentation of the process of consulting with other subteams on certain tickets.

    • Dan presenting at March Member Match event


Testing: @Cory Nimer @Austin Munsell

  • Link to workplan:

  • Reviewed batches of Jira feature requests and bug reports in October (14 tickets) and December (27 tickets)

  • Currently working on regression testing for upcoming release, with an additional seven tickets

25 min

Sub-team Discussion and Presentation

Development Prioritization: @Daniel Michelson

  • Overview of Dev/Pri and ticketing process

  • Tickets to talk about: