2023-06-01 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2023-06-01 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Jun 1, 2023

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Suzanne Reller

@Rachel Searcy

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

Discussion topics









20 min

Checking in/end of term business


TAC will be using UAC’s retrospective idea and working on theirs during the last meeting.

Integrations group does not want to revive the Awesome ArchivesSpace group concurrently with winding down their work, though they will move their content into the repo. Revisit the Awesome group mid-year.

Suzanne will lead the next/last UAC meeting.

Rebecca Baugnon has agreed to be UAC Vice Chair, Austin Munsell will be TAC Vice Chair.

Chairs will check in on a couple quiet members about their status.

10 min

Nominations and other preparing for next term business


Council nominations have been submitted to Board for approval - would expect that to be complete and able to begin reaching out to new people informally no later than week of June 12. - late breaking news, Board approved them during the meeting and notifications will be going out to the appointees imminently.

Leads have been identified for all of the sub-teams. A few team don’t have Vice Leads yet. The Chairs/Vice Chairs have offered to provide additional startup support to a few teams like Tech Docs.

Assignment of new people to sub-teams has happened different ways over the years, but current process is to assign people and notify them of their team in their welcome message. They will also be asked at that time if they are willing to serve or Testing or another team too.

The Vice Chairs being on the Nominating Committee this year has given them a leg up in getting to know the new appointees and get a sense of where to assign them.

20 min



There was an overall sense that these meetings have been very helpful - having a monthly deadline helps move things forward, appreciate opportunities to bring items to board or program team’s attention and feedback being acted upon. For the Board liaison, getting more understanding and knowledge of what’s going on in the Councils beyond just getting the reports is really helpful. For Vice Chairs it gave them better understanding of how everything happens in the Councils and makes them feel more prepared for leading.

5 min

Anything else?


What happened with the proposed Ad Hoc group on the data model. Momentum has been lost since a leader couldn’t be found. But going through the process and thinking through what needs to be done to bring up a new group was really helpful. It’s always possible this idea will be revived in the future. Ideas tend to do that in ArchivesSpace.





Action items



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