2023-06-23 Member Engagement Meeting agenda and notes

Topic: ArchivesSpace UAC Member Engagement Sub-Team Monthly
Time: Jun 23, 2023 11:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the Fourth Fri, 3 occurrence(s)
Apr 28, 2023 11:30 AM
May 26, 2023 11:30 AM
Jun 23, 2023 11:30 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
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Meeting ID: 884 0616 2894
Passcode: 636050
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@Mary Pedraza

@Jessica Crouch - regrets

@Regina Carra

@Suzanne Reller - regrets

@Sarah Ponichtera -regrets







New Sub-Team Members
  • Jaime Margalotti with the University of Delaware

  • Will Clements with Princeton

  • Send out a welcome to the sub-team email to the new members now and say we will re-group in August

  • Here is how to find our wikispace, retrospective, activities

  • Sarah has to resign from UAC, Regina will be on the team

Review draft of New Member Email: Member Match Email Template -- Match Notifications
  • Send to Jessica by 6/28

  • Check in with Jessica that she is okay inputting the match info or if I should do it

  • Check that Mariam’s match this year is at the same stage of using ASpace

  • Someone had success with setting up a monthly check in → encourage next year’s matches to try the same

  • Check in when they have an issue vs. wanting a social experience


  • Code of conduct review will be taken up by the board, check in on their progress through the year and if they want sub-team’s help in engaging the community with this

    • Check in with Jessica/Christina in new year to get clarification on who is dealing with this and if they want our help or perspective moving forward

To-Do List

Set up sub-team new year get together for end of August
Draft new match email for Jessica by 6/28