2023-08-30 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2023-08-30 Meeting Agenda and Notes


Aug 30, 2023


  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @Austin Munsell

  • @Michelle Paquette

  • @Blake Carver

  • @Rachel Searcy


  • Introductions

  • Review retrospective and workplan, identifying areas of interest to work on this year.

  • Identify overall theme(s) of this year’s session.

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 Discussion topics









5 Minutes



  • Who you are, job title/where you work, how many years have you been involved with TAC/ArchivesSpace.

  • Ice breaker: what is your favorite tv show?

5 Minutes



  • Provide brief overview of what exactly this group does.

  • Review important TechDocs materials and where to find them.

15 Minutes



  • Monthly meetings: Jenna will send out a doodle poll to find a regular meeting time.

    • Thinking the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

    • Stressed flexibility if there are times we need to move a meeting.

  • Establish the following techdoc roles:

    • Notetaker: discuss if the group wants a dedicated notetaker or to rotate every month.

      • Decision: Michelle will be the dedicated notetaker.

    • Vice lead: this position will eventually become chair of the group. But will also assist with running meetings when necessary, dividing up action items, etc.

      • Pushed decision until we can have whole group together

  • Workspace access

    • Confluence (Techdocs repository), GITHUB. Does everyone have access?

      • Jenna will work on getting everyone access to the github repo.

20 Minutes



  • Review last year’s retrospective/workplan.

  • Ideas for retrospective/workplan

    • Establish (or potentially dig out) a workflow for review release notes/update release notes.

      • Agreed it was a good idea for this group to review release notes and check for impacts on techdocs.

    • Links audit

      • Continuation from last year. Can add in more people and document the process.

      • Discuss the idea of a regular audit schedule.

    • Discussion of techdoc promotion

      • continuation from last year, ways to promote techdocs.

    • Labels in Github and how we can use them in workflows.

      • Will need to do a decent amount of exploration of these and the purpose they serve/can serve.

10 Minutes



  • Recap

  • Time to answer any questions, concerns, etc.

 Action items

Jenna (or Christine) will need to add group members to the GitHub.
Jenna will send out Doodle poll or email to set up recurring meetings.
Jenna will review the workplan and reach out to the group for input/assistance as it is put together.


  1. Michelle will be the dedicated notetaker.
  2. Pushed decision on Vice Chair until later due to two members not being present.

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