2023-2024 Techdocs Workplan
Ongoing maintenance of Github tech-docs repository
Continue to review and merge pull requests.
Discuss/establish division of labor managing/set up a schedule for reviewing and pulling requests to ensure all members are included in active work and that everyone understands workflows.
Explore the use of tags/labels in the Github tech-docs repository.
What do they do and how can we incorporate them into workflows (if applicable)?
Identify areas of potential gaps in workflows/procedures
Establish a review schedule for new releases to help identify documentation needs/updates.
Continue to review new releases and identify any documentation needs/updates.
Continue to review organization of content and identify areas requiring refinement.
Establish a workflow and recurring schedule to review listservs to identify gaps or need for further documentation.
Continue links audit from last year, establish a regular audit schedule to ensure continuity over the years.
Community engagement and feedback
Identify more effective ways of soliciting feedback from users and developer community.
Solicit specific input/contributions from community (based on needs identified in #2)
Explore how to improve visibility and use of TechDocs documentation to aspace community.
Promotion at annual ArchivesSpace forum or other applicable conferences.
Regular email reminders to provide feedback directly to Techdocs during new releases.
Community info gathering through polls, emails, open forums, etc.
Advisory Council Collaborations
Collaborate with User Documentation sub-team of UAC
Within TAC: Solicit existing technical documentation created or managed by other sub-teams for inclusion in tech-docs repository.
Continue to identify training needs that sub-team members need or would benefit from in order to be successful.
Regular Github training.
Confluence training/exploration for new members.
Rebuilding continued
Regularity and relevance
Communication between group and developers