User Documentation Work Plan/Goals 2023-2024

User Documentation Work Plan/Goals 2023-2024


  • Update and maintain ArchivesSpace User Manual pages.

  • Create User Manual documentation for newly developed ArchivesSpace functionality.

  • Maintain communication with other sub-teams whose work intersects with that of the User Documentation sub-team.

Specific Tasks and Projects

Ongoing/Recurring Tasks

  • Update and maintain ArchivesSpace User Manual pages

    • Continue systematic review of User Manual pages with a focus on the Subject module pages in anticipation of future development in this area.

    • Update pages as needed in response to user feedback and Jira tickets.

  • Create documentation in response to new version releases.

In-Progress Projects Carried Over from Last Term

  • Continue review of fields that publish in the PUI to develop a comprehensive list for the ArchivesSpace community.

New Projects for This Term

  • Collaborate with the Testing sub-team and Christine Di Bella to develop a mechanism for sharing feedback regarding User Manual documentation, specifically in two cases:

    • When testers notice deficiencies in existing documentation while testing established functionality.

    • When testers notice functionality that needs to be captured in new documentation while testing new release candidates.

  • Collaborate with the Technical Documentation sub-team of the Technical Advisory Council to develop a phased approach strategy for a multi-term project that seeks to determine how reports derive their information, i.e. which fields of which modules of ArchivesSpace contribute information to a report.

  • Create a list of tasks for incoming sub-team leads to complete at the start of each term.

Maintenance Activities


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