2017-12-14 Meeting notes

2017-12-14 Meeting notes


1:00 CST


Discussion items

Roll call and note takerTrevor is taking notes
 Workplan Goal 3. Make it easier to contribute to tech docs


Trevor organized the .md files and organized them but there is room for improvement

Bobbi: who is the source of "truth" when it comes time to add to documentation? what's the process?

Rachel: what to do when you can only contribute part of the documentation?

  • probably leave a placeholder where info is missing and use issues to call out the missing piece 
  • we will work with Laney and rest of TAC to develop processes for updates

Trevor: import/export documentation needs a lot of work

Who does the merge? Laney and who else? Probably need to coordinate this work with the AS devs

Dallas will make sure there's no duplication of effort between this and API documentation

Max: need to keep tech-docs repo up-to-date with AS versions, consider tag branches that correspond to AS versions

Workplan Goal 1. Enhance provisioning documentation

Does the warning about running under a prefix still apply?

Team members will evaluate existing documentation and open issues where more is needed

Rachel: working on pull request for HTTPS docs including moving IP tables info somewhere else

Workplan Goal 2. Enhance plugin documentationBobbi will start looking at existing docs and submit pull request for changes
Wrap-up and next stepsNext steps on tech-docs are to establish process for suggesting/making changes/additions and communicating with the rest of TAC how to contribute (documentation about the documentation)

Action items
