2024-01-17 Testing Team Meeting Agenda


Jan 17, 2024

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Zoom/Meeting Info


  • @Austin Munsell (Lead)

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Paige Monlux

  • @Cheylon Woods

  • @Diane Biunno

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Michelle Paquette (Vice-Lead)

  • @Ashley Williams Clawson

  • @Jacqueline Asaro

  • @Ryan Lee

Discussion topics









25 min

Regression Testing Demo

@Austin Munsell

  1. Save a copy of the testing protocol using the file name [your last name]_Version X testing protocol into the testing folder.

  2. All regression testing will happen on https://test.archivesspace.org

  3. For any functional area you are assigned:

    1. Unless otherwise noted in the tab, create a copy of the tab so you can work through it twice (once as admin and once with some other user group)

    2. Work through all items on the tab for that area from the top to the bottom.

    3. Be sure to write notes and/or paste in screenshots for any failures

  4. Once you are done testing, move your spreadsheet into the Completed testing protocols folder

Regression Testing tips:

  • If you have questions about a functional area you’re assigned to test, in addition to bringing it up at a working meeting, you can also email the group or reach out to the other tester(s) assigned to that area.

  • If asked to test ASpace functionality you’re unfamiliar with or don’t often use, start at the ASpace Help Center.

  • If you need to import a test record, metadata standards has some that can be used () and there is sample data in most of the bulk import templates (https://test.archivesspace.org/staff/bulk_import_templates).

  • If you’re on the West coast, be aware that the testing server may go down in the evenings on East coast time.

  • You can delete tabs from the spreadsheet for areas you are not working on if it makes it easier for you to track, but you don’t have to.

25 min




Action items
