2024-01-29 Metadata meeting notes

2024-01-29 Metadata meeting notes

Call Information

Monday, January 29, 2024
12:00pm EST

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • @Jacqueline Asaro

  • @Diane Biunno

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • With Special guest Tyler Wade with Regine at Princeton




Jacqueline Devereaux Asaro

Quick Links

Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV








5 minutes


Minutes from last meeting – any updates or corrections?

15 minutes

Updates on MARC importer/exporter work

@Kate Bowers @Elizabeth Roke

Goal: Screen grab MARC, write JIRA ticket for MARC importer: use existing map, but add switch so that EVERY MARC field can get into AS.

Kate was focusing on all the possible fields

Originally has the MARC xml from ASpace

Took every field from MARC, examined it grabbed tag, field name

If we want to bring it into ASpace, can use field name as the note label to make things easier

Boiled down to a few task categories. For example, if ingested MARC want to know the original field or what it was called (control number) and then get the O3 5 field, 002 is unassigned but if someone wants to include this data, the idea is to input it as a general note and have it as a tag number, it could let you know where the data came from, no metadata left behind

Some of them retain existing fields, but also deciding what to not map out

The debate of what to do with books, ingesting as LOC call numbers or try to map as something else

The column is the best attempt at choosing different options for mapping

Bring it in as a general note, alternate note, or bring it in as a tag number

Conceivably could have in every title, like key title is already in existing mapping, but other titles may not have been treated, add to existing may be good for that

A 4th category could be appended to the existing mapping or possibly using some scenarios such as 6 or 7

Kate suggested the switch, for the old map, new map, or just local fields

Usually good practice for cleaning up data before ingest into the system

Elizabeth says the existing mapping is core metadata that maps to core standards in the archival field

In the original say clean up, but core is the standard archival metadata to put into data….such as switch core map “all fields”

This other option could be for larger staffed institutions, could upload the full messy data

Kate, one area of interest is having the primary agent specified

Seems to be a constant issue is 9xx field, throws things into that sometimes

Kevin: wants to know what happens after the records come in….what about the MARC fields that you don’t know what to do

Elizabeth: The original intent always was a log that would say info that was imported (or what wasn’t imported)

Elizabeth, with second all encompassing “dirty” because everything would be added to ASpace

In the past, it was hard to code what didn’t get transferred….they pushed back against having that

Kate, any worries with exporting MARC?

Elizabeth, concerned to have a valid MARC record exported…start with DACs it says exactly what MARC fields

Regine, mentioned some issues with permissiveness of EAD….indicator 7 subfield 2 when a value wasn’t on the list such as VIAF, this creates some issues and not valid in MARC

As the user do you need to know that (like VIAF) won’t export correctly

Kevin, with something like VIAF can we do 1 ticket on that?

Kate, the issue with VIAF as a cluster or aggregator…an issue that it is not a category

Regine, thinks it is very important to export for catalog integrations….wants to avoid post processing

Kevin, have we ever done a survey of the community for post processing that is done on with post export of MARC record

Kate, OCLC tends to be more strict

Elizabeth, stick with the basic MARC we want it to validate and not be “good”

Regine, Control with a sense of “profile” possibly less permissions to not let them add VIAF this could help to have profiles for certain people uploading

The balance between larger institutions and smaller institutions

Kate, for instance looking at something like a 505 note and having it with Scope and Contents note

Kevin, Denver’s MARC customization leaves MARC 336-338 (the RDA content/media/carrier fields) unspecified

15 minutes

EAD importer spreadsheet

All – Review Column M before the meeting and come prepared with comments (if any).

Column L finished and column M partially populated based on L (@Regine Heberlein )

Questions (feel free to add your own!):

  • What are our goals? Jira tickets for our recommended changes? A ticket to rewrite the import behavior (so that it logs properties that it ignores)?

  • How do we want to maintain this sheet so that it’s easy to update it later for future changes to EAD or ArchivesSpace?

20 minutes

Other agenda items?

  • Objects model as inferred from ASpace (@Regine Heberlein )

    • It is in the GitHub repository

  • Github landing page (@Regine Heberlein )

  • ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards Sub-Team

    • .github makes a readme page, hidden repository, once you configure it, it appears on your landing page

    • We actually had 2 repositories, and Regine deleted the old repository

5 minutes


  • DevPri will be discussing some of our tickets at their meeting next Tuesday. @Kevin Clair will attend; others are welcome!

    • Kevin hasn’t heard anything about the online forum

    • Regine is on the planning group but haven’t heard anything about it yet

    • At least 1 more subteam meeting before the online forum

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