2024-05-28 UAC Meeting agenda and notes

  • May 28, 2024 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT

Call-in Information:

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Meeting ID: 826 0677 1495

Passcode: 950733


@Rebecca Baugnon (Vice Chair)

@Susannah Broyles

@Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed) - regrets

@Mattie Clear - regrets

@Christine Di Bella (Ex-Officio, Program Manager)

@Kelly.Francis - regrets

@Matthew Gorham

@Margaret Kidd - regrets

@Ryan Lee

@Jaime Margalotti

@Austin Munsell (Ex-Officio, TAC Vice Chair) - regrets

@Matthew Neely

@Cory Nimer

@Mary Pedraza

@Suzanne Reller (Chair)

@Rachel Searcy (Ex-Officio, TAC Chair)

@Keli Schmid

@Chris Tanguay

@Ashley Williams Clawson


  • Update members on UAC activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Discussion: Retrospectives, Council Service


  • @Keli Schmid









5 mins


@Suzanne Reller

Icebreaker: Favorite Olympic Sport

5 mins

UAC Updates

@Suzanne Reller

  • We are excited to announce that Mary Pedraza has agreed to serve as Vice Chair for 2024-2025 term! Congrats Mary!

  • Dillon Thomas and Regina Carra have resigned from UAC. We thank them for their service. Regina was just one month shy of completing her term on Council!

  • Are you interested in joining a 2nd subteam for the 2024-2025 term? If so, contact Suzanne or Rebecca.

5 mins

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

  • In-person Annual Forum announcements coming soon

  • Live event will be recorded for later access

  • Virtual event will take place before the in-person forum

  • Elections will open soon for positions on governance board - more info coming soon

  • Upgrades to Bootstrap, etc. have been completed, most differences are not visual, but some changes will be evident. Upgrades are in testing phase now

5 mins

Sub-team Reports (if any)




Development Prioritization

@Matthew Neely

May Dev Pri meeting continued work supporting Program Team on Community guidance for Jira. We provided feedback on templates for feature requests and bug reports.

Also reviewed 7 Jira tickets at the May meeting.


User Documentation

@Rebecca Baugnon


  • Continued work on conversion of resource record fields that publish in the PUI spreadsheet to Confluence documentation.

  • Discussed transition of sub-team lead

  • Discussed Regina’s resignation



Ashley Williams Clawson

  • Preparing for full regression testing early to mid-sumer related to system updates (not a new release).

  • Michelle and Austin are working with Thimios to incorporate some behavior scenarios into the regression testing spreadsheet.



@Cory Nimer

  • Met with program team to discuss direction of multilingual description work

  • Began discussion of pending tickets related to agent module usability in the PUI


Member Engagement

@Mary Pedraza

  • Regina is leaving for a non-ASpace institution and has resigned from UAC as well as the Code of Conduct task force.

  • 2024-2025 Member Match applications closed. We have 24 applications, will be making matches this week.


Code of Conduct Review Task Force

@Mary Pedraza

  • Met last week with CSCCE to continue discussions. Possibly meeting once more before drafting updated CoC.

5 mins

Questions for Subteams



3 mins

Preparing Sub-team Retrospectives

@Suzanne Reller



  • Sub-team Leads/Vice Leads will present retrospectives at our June 25th meeting. If your sub-team does not have a meeting planned before our next UAC meeting, consider scheduling a meeting.

  • It’s ok if your retrospective is still in progress, but it should be finished by the end of June (just a few days after our June meeting!).

  • Retrospectives are for everyone, not just the sub-team lead!

  • The most generalized advice is to consider what to keep going, what to stop doing, and what to start doing.

  • You can use your sub-team’s retrospective from last year as a template:

2 mins

Preparing for the end of term transition

@Suzanne Reller


  • Be aware of ownership: Tasks, Tickets, and Google Docs

  • Review and appraise your Google Drive folders

  • Term transition: Council activities slow over the summer but do not stop. Watch for emails for scheduling meetings or contributing to reports. In particular incoming sub-team leads will be receiving emails about new members.


20 mins

Council Retrospective Discussion and Thinking about your council service

@Suzanne Reller

Brainstorming for our UAC Retrospective

Last year’s UAC Retrospective

Tips for Talking about Your Council Service

5 mins

Questions/Open Mic

@Suzanne Reller


5 mins

Announcements and Upcoming Events

@Suzanne Reller

  • Next Meeting: Our last meeting of the term is June 25. The discussion will be focused on sub-team retrospectives.

  • After our June meeting, regular UAC meetings will take a break until August. There will be an orientation over the summer for new UAC members. Some sub-teams may meet over the summer.