2016-04-08 Meeting notes
2016-04-08 Meeting notes
Call Info:
Access code is 731627
- Former user (Deleted)
- Phillip Suda (Unlicensed)
- Brian Harrington (Unlicensed)
- Michael Vandermillen (Unlicensed)
- Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)
- Absent: Terry Reese (Unlicensed); Cory Nimer; Christopher Prom (Unlicensed); Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 min | Roll Call | Noah |
5 min | Announcement/Updates | Noah | Discuss schedule and timeline for next release? How can this group help?
10 min | Submitting feature request for Schematron validation | Terry/Noah | Next steps for getting this in dev. queue
15 min | EAD import / export discussion | All | Review / discuss recent conversations on list and in JIRA:
Current Default Behavior for EAD Importer:
Proposed Changes to current behavior:
Handling barcodes for EAD import / export: see: - AR-1409Getting issue details... STATUS
15 min | Support for EAD3? | All | If we want ASpace to support EAD3, how might we proceed? Some general questions:
General Brainstorming / Discussion:
5 min | Archon Migration docs | Phillip Suda (Unlicensed) |
Action items
- Noah Huffman (Deactivated), Brian Harrington (Unlicensed) - Test / provide feedback on Terry's consolidated schematron file at: https://github.com/tcatapano/EAD_Archivespace_Import/blob/master/archivesSpace_consolidated.sch
- Former user (Deleted) - Submit feature request in JIRA for schematron validation service based on consolidated schematron rules; share JIRA issue with this group for further comment
- Noah Huffman (Deactivated) - Submit JIRA issue for proposed changes to EAD import behavior (re: default publish/unpublish status)
- Phillip Suda (Unlicensed) - Send Archon migration screencasts to group for review / feedback; send along other Archon migration docuemtation (FAQs, etc.)
- Former user (Deleted) - Do some preliminary examination into changes necessary to support EAD3; discuss in more detail on future call