2016-04-08 Meeting notes

2016-04-08 Meeting notes


Call Info:


Access code is 731627


Discussion items

5 minRoll CallNoah


5 minAnnouncement/UpdatesNoah

Discuss schedule and timeline for next release? How can this group help?

  • According to Brad, release candidate will drop soon along with documentation and testing guidelines
  • Everyone is encouraged to test release candidate and submit feedback
  • If testing is sufficient and project team is satisfied, will release. If significant bugs or insufficient testing, will delay release
10 minSubmitting feature request for Schematron validationTerry/Noah

Next steps for getting this in dev. queue

  • Testing conslidated schematron: https://github.com/tcatapano/EAD_Archivespace_Import/blob/master/archivesSpace_consolidated.sch
    • Terry would like testing / feedback of consolidated schematron file and feedback on wording of error messages
    • Test that schematron flags issues it should but doesn't mistakenly flag issues
    • Noah and Brian Harrington will test and submit feedback
  • Submit JIRA feature request for integrating schematron validations service into application (as a background job)
    • Terry will create the JIRA issue and provide info on schematron file and desired behaviors.
    • Implementation details can be sorted out in the JIRA ticket once it get into the development queue
15 minEAD import / export discussion All

Review / discuss recent conversations on list and in JIRA:

  • Mark Custer's proposal for modifying "publish" behavior for EAD Importer

Current Default Behavior for EAD Importer:

  1. Resources set to “published” at collection-level
  2. Components (archival objects) set to “published” (ignores @audience attribute)
  3. Notes (all levels) set to “unpublished”

Proposed Changes to current behavior:

  1. Set imported resources to “unpublished” at collection-level by default unless @audience=”external”
  2. Set all notes and components (archival objects) to “published” unless @audience=”internal”


  • There was general agreement that these changes are desirable
  • Sally asked to clarify behavior
  • Michael V. will confirm with Harvard folks about these changes
  • Noah will create JIRA issue, share with Mark C. He may make some/all of the changes in a pull request.

Handling barcodes for EAD import / export: see: AR-1409 - Getting issue details... STATUS

    • EAD exporter inserts barcodes in label attribute: <container @label="Mixed_materials (D0123456$)">
    • Should EAD importer parse content inside parents () and map to Barcode field in AS?


  • No strong opinions on this issue. Will wait to see changes Chris F. makes in response to this ticket
 15 min Support for EAD3? All

If we want ASpace to support EAD3, how might we proceed?

Some general questions:

  • Will it require changes to the data model?
  • Should ASpace support both EAD2002 and EAD3 for some period of time?
  • How should we organize / document work on this front?
  • How should we sequence work (e.g. address exports then imports?)

General Brainstorming / Discussion:

  • Terry generally thinks EAD3 support shouldn't be terribly difficult
  • EAD3 was designed to be more compatible with relational databases, so it should more closely align with ASpace data model
  • EAD3 changes include: better date handling; more granular extents, changes to the EAD header (now control).
  • Noah suggested possibilty of creating an EAD3 exporter plugin as a proof-of-concept (not sure how difficult this would be)
  • Terry will use EAD2002 to EAD3 XSLT stylesheet to examine how significant the changes might be
  • Terry will do some preliminary investigation on this and report back to group
  • We will discuss more detailed next steps on future call (hopefully with Brad, Cory, and a developer)


5 minArchon Migration docsPhillip Suda (Unlicensed)
  • Phil has been working on series Archon migration screencasts
  • Screencasts also cover how to set up SQL database and other general migration tasks
  • Phil will send screencasts to group for review and feedback
  • Phil is leaving Tulane and is unsure if he will continue on this group (Congrats and Good Luck, Phil!).

Action items


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