2018-04-04 Meeting notes

2018-04-04 Meeting notes



Discussion items

Roll call and notetakerTrevor takes notes
 Data Dictionary Follow-upAll


Laney: we'll use Jira for managing changes and TAC/Tech-docs members will be asked to mediate, contribute, etc.

Blog series guest post – tech docs in MayTech-docs blog posts will encourage users to contribute via issues and pull requests
Pull requestsAll


Customization changes look good - merged!

Migration info transferred from PDFs - merged!

system.d note - looks good, OK to merge

expanded https instructions - looking good, merged!



API-related in particular – who/where are these addressed?

  • Incomplete requirements #8 - closed!
  • Need to add new Docker README file #12 - need to add to Development section after "Building..." doc. Trevor will do that.
  • Issue with API example get resources/::id #14 - Dallas: problem might be in the yard logic that selects examples based on request method. He will investigate and create a PR with proposed change. Change will happen in main AS repo - Laney will add tech-docs label for issues in main repo. SHe'll also remove yard directory from tech-docs and add note pointing to main repo for yard documentation. Completed 4/4/18.
  • Change config boolean examples #15 - documentation is actually probably right and implementation is inconsistent. the change needs to happen in the main AS repo. Laney will move it over. Completed 4/4/18.
  • multi tenant install does not work as documented with 2.2.1 - nobody knows... Laney's moving back to main repo Completed 4/4/18.
  • reports in plugin are found but plugin directories are not in search path for templates #17 - Bobbi: add separate page about reports under customizations
  • Container Management documentation #19 - Trevor will still work on this when he has time

Final goals for the yearAll

We've made progress toward the core goals in our work plan (make it easier to contribute, better plugin info, better provisioning info).  Given that our group as it consists now will wrap up in June – what's the end state we're aiming for?  Separate repo with a publicized process for updating and improved content in some areas?  Are we going to tackle the presentation of the docs in the new repo, to have something to replace https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs/issues?  Let's talk through what we want to (and can) accomplish and what we might hand off to the next iteration of our group.

Conclusion: We'll just concentrate on improving the content in the repo for now and recommend updates to presentation for later

Action items


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