The group discussed the need to re-design a handful of basic and complex reports to demonstrate the range of complexity for potential developers.
The group discussed the need to send the ArchivesSpace Reports Specification to developers, including Hudson Mlonglo and Atlas Systems.
The group established subgroups and a timeline for completing the following by the end of of October:
review the executive summary, goals, and requirements of the draft ArchivesSpace Reports Specifications documents to ensure clarity;
review and develop new report approximately 6 final drafts of definitions for a variety of reports (including shelf list, accession receipt, and subject list reports) varying in complexity;
and assemble a corpus of targeted canned reports including titles and single sentence descriptive summaries.
Action Items
Alston Cobourn and BradleyW (Unlicensed) to review the executive summary, goals, and requirements of the draft ArchivesSpace Reports Specifications documents to ensure clarity.
Nancy Enneking and Carolyn Runyon to review and develop new report approximately 6 final drafts of definitions for a variety of reports varying in complexity.