2019-03-22 Users Advisory Council Meeting

2019-03-22 Users Advisory Council Meeting

Date: March 22, 2019 - 11:00 am ET

Call In:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

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    US: +14086380968,,480879807#  or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

        US: +1 408 638 0968  or +1 646 876 9923  or +1 669 900 6833

    Meeting ID: 480 879 807

    International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp 


Kevin Clair
Alston Cobourn 
Christine Di Bella
Jasmine Jones
Ashley Knox
Brittany Newberry
Joshua Shaw 
Lydia Tang
Angela White

Not Present:

Kate Blalack(absent)

Gordon Daines (absent)

Terra Gullings (absent)
Adrienne Harling (absent)
Sue Luftschein (absent)
Laney McGlohon (absent)
William Modrow (absent)
Julia Novakovic (absent)
Nikki Thomas (absent)
Jamie Weeks (absent)
John Zarrillo (absent)


Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

Discussion items:                    













11:00 am EST

Eastern time

Roll Call

Ashley Knox

Notetaker: Brittany Newberry

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

Online forum:

Monday, March 18, 2019 - went really well and had over 400 registrants; received good feedback on the program

Have added presentations and information to the forum wiki page and hope to have recordings up starting next week

will likely repeat the event in the future, maybe not the same form

Community Engagement Coordinator:

Jessica Crouch starting April 1

if you have ideas for engagement program reach out to Jessica

Reports group has an open call coming up

Release side:

Testing has been done on a variety of things going into the next release

Next release will most likely go out next month, April

Sub-team Reports

Development   Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Dev. Pri. met once since the joint TAC/UAC meeting in January and addressed 18 tickets at the meeting. 

Kanban stats:

Feature Requests:

Awaiting prioritization: 107

Awaiting More Info: 58

Ready for Implementation: 72

Bug Reports: 

Awaiting prioritization: 13

Awaiting More info: 11

Ready for Implementation: 56

The following tickets require more specification, ideally if a group would like to crowdsource info and mappings for these controlled vocabulary plug ins:

ANW-478 - Getting issue details... STATUS ANW-479 - Getting issue details... STATUS ANW-481 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There is also a need for volunteer institutions to help beef up an LDAP authentication plug in: ANW-458 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (and related tickets)


Kevin Clair

Documentation met on January 29 and will meet again on April 4.

We are undertaking a review of the existing user documentation to determine if there are any undocumented or under-documented features for which we can contribute text. We'll be coordinating with the Community Engagement Coordinator on next steps after our April 4 meeting. We have also contributed feedback to TAC on tooltips and other documentation.


Alston Coburn and Nikki Thomas

Reports met on on January 14 and February 25

Major Activities

  • Decided we need to utilize the AS open call platform to gather feedback from the
    user community on their current use of reports, their use cases, and their pain
    points before determining our next steps.
  • Planned for AS open call on April 3 at 1 pm eastern time.
  • Responded to several JIRA tickets about possible reports or functions that could be
    handled by reports; stated that we would revisit these tickets after receiving
    feedback on the AS open call.

Future Work Plan

  • TBD about pre-defined and custom reports after open call feedback
  • Continue to have conversations about the data dictionary and its future
  • Test existing reports for upcoming releases


Brittany Newberry

The Testing sub-team helped with testing of 14 Jira issues for v2.6.0 earlier this month. We are currently waiting to hear about future testing assignments.

Other Business

Ashley and Lydia

Survey results and UAC discussion. 

  • Are you happy with the time commitment with the UAC and subteams?
  • Are you happy with the format and frequency of UAC meetings? Is there anything you would like to see changed?
  • Do you feel like the subteams sufficiently cover important areas of the program or should there be additional subteams/working groups/task forces or existing subteam scope changes?
  • Should there be UAC-only subteams or should subteams have the option to be TAC-UAC integrated?
  • Would you like the UAC to be more active as an umbrella unit, beyond coordinating subteam work? If so, how?
  • Are there issues/projects that you would like UAC as a unit to oversee/address?

Observations from the Survey Results:

  • General consensus on time commitment - people are fine or would be willing to commit more time
  • would like a more thorough understanding of what the UAC does
  • figure out how to connect us all as a whole
  • collect more information from the ASpace community from what they want
  • build more bridges and connections between the UAC and TAC
  • Get information from sub-team leaders about time commitments for their sub-teams
  • looking for more ideas to create transparency and be more responsive to the concerns of the user community
  • would like to find more ways for the UAC members to connect to each other
  • want to find a way to utilize the expertise and passions of the UAC members
  • try to figure out if there are ways to integrate the two councils and/or create ad hoc working groups between the two councils
  • both councils have documentation and there may be a way for the two to team up more
  • let Ashley and Lydia know if there are any ideas that you have

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