2019-07-01 Meeting notes

2019-07-01 Meeting notes


Jul 1, 2019

11:00 a.m. Eastern / 9:00 a.m. Mountain / 8:00 a.m. Pacific


@Maggie Hughes

@Ashley Knox

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella


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Work through logistics for increased emphasis on cross-Council work and participating meetings for the 2019/2020 term.

Discussion topics









40 min

Continued discussion of Cross-Council logistics

  • Onboarding

  • Scheduling first combined meeting

  • Sunsetting and/or bringing on new sub-teams


  • Our overall goal for this year of cross-Council participation is to wade in and try out things, rather than to jump in and change everything all at once.

  • TAC and UAC chairs will send (or have sent) messages to all new members welcoming them and providing a little general information to start.

  • Lydia will create a Doodle poll to send out to all TAC and UAC members to facilitate scheduling the first meeting. Meeting likely to happen in mid-August.

  • Based on the expectations document TAC created last year, Maggie, Ashley, and Lydia, will prepare expectations for all members. This should be sure to stay within the 2-4 hours per week description of workload that the Nominating Committee outlines for people considering volunteering.

  • Identities of the sub-teams should be set (or at least describable) by the time of the first combined meeting

    • Lydia will draft a charge for the Usability sub-team for Christine and Ashley to review.

    • Maggie will work with Christine to put together a charge for the Metadata Standards sub-team.

    • Ashley and Christine will work on the sunsetting of the Reports sub-team.

  • Based on the Google Form TAC created last year, Maggie, Ashley, and Lydia will finalize the form on which all members indicate their sub-team interests. Anyone can join any team, but the form will make it clear which teams belong to which Councils. We will not strive for balanced representation except for those teams that are explicitly cross-Council responsibilities (Testing and Dev Pri). Members must join at least one team, but can join two if they wish. It will be made clear that different sub-teams require different levels of effort.

  • Maggie, Ashley, and Lydia will work together once the forms have been completed to determine sub-team assignments.

10 min

Additional topics

  • How to deal with absentee/AWOL Council members


  • Having some members who don’t participate can sap the vitality of individual sub-teams as well as Councils as a whole.

  • Important to set expectations up front - then if people don’t meet them we know it’s been made clear what they were supposed to do.

  • We’ll use the new term as a fresh start - if people don’t respond to the form about sub-team choices or don’t attend the first meeting (without indicating why), that may indicate they no longer wish to participate. Otherwise, plan to check in mid-year about how things are going and whether to approach individuals about continuing participation on the Councils.

Action items

Lydia will create the Doodle poll, to be sent out to all Council members about scheduling the first meeting.
Maggie and Christine will work on the charge for the Metadata Standards sub-team.
Lydia will draft the charge for the Usability sub-team for review by the others.
Ashley and Christine will work on sunsetting the Reports sub-team.
Maggie, Ashley, and Lydia will finalize various materials needed for the first part of the term, such as the sub-team Google Form, the expectations document, and the agenda for the first meeting.