2019-10-18 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee Meeting notes


Oct 18, 2019

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Discussion items









5 min

Program update



20 min

Checking in on the start to the year

  • UAC and TAC updates

  • Any observations on the new onboarding and team assignment process?


  • Year off to a good start for both Councils. Trevor has come on as Vice Chair for TAC.

  • TAC has created good internal administrative documentation over the last few years. It would be good to move this over to the wiki since UAC and TAC share a lot of commonalities and this will make it easier for future leadership.

  • TAC would like to do more guided onboarding with new members than it has in the past. Aim to do initial onboarding meetings like UAC.

  • After the next UAC meeting (Oct. 24), Ashley will be stepping down as Chair as a practical matter of the dates of her leave and when the term ends. Lydia will become Chair. UAC will do some targeted outreach to find a Vice Chair. (update since meeting: Brittany Newberry will be Vice Chair.)

15 min

Handling in-term Council member resignations

  • Current situations

  • When does it make sense to go back to the previous cycle’s nominees vs. wait for the next cycle?

  • Is there a way to make in-term resignations less likely?


  • Both UAC and TAC have had resignations this fall. UAC also has some members that are quite inactive but have not officially resigned.

  • Some highlights of the discussion

    • Though we strive for balance during the regular nominations cycle, it may not be as important when filling an unexpected vacancy

    • By the Bylaws, Councils have 15-17 members; when a vacancy occurs that will put the Council below 15 with a substantial portion of the term left, probably best to fill; when the Council is already at 15 or over, can be filled at the Council leadership’s discretion

    • We should think about a cutoff during the year for filling from the unappointed nominees from the previous cycle vs. waiting for the next one

    • We may want to have more formal guidelines about addressing inactive members (Update since meeting: Maggie has drafted these for comment and circulated to the group.)

15 min

Any particular goals for the year - intra and cross-Council?


  • More formal transition between TAC Chair/incoming Chairs

  • Addressing lack of participation in UAC meetings, moving toward more discussion

  • Move leadership documentation to the wiki - Maggie will work with Trevor to do this before the end of the term

  • Continuing good progress with joint meetings/activities

  • Keeping a close eye on and assisting with new sub-teams

5 min

Other discussion: Can Council reports to the Board be posted on the public wiki?


Consensus among the group was that this would be a good thing. Christine will check with Laurie Arp whether there are any concerns. (Update since meeting: This is fine, but suggest that the reports be titled just “Quarterly Report”)

Action items