DELETE Notes on Running Meetings

DELETE Notes on Running Meetings


  • Begin new year with monthly meetings
  • TAC switches to bimonthly meetings after ~6 mos or around Jan/Feb.


Note taking responsibilities 

Rotate alphabetically through members.

TAC Meetings

Recent contributions 

  • Takes approximately 1/2 an hour (maybe an hour for bimonthly meetings) to gather information. 

  • Disclaimer: this is just the way I collect this information--it's not the best way (descriptive, not prescriptive). 

    • Inclusive of all contributions -- documentation as important as code

    • Shoutouts to TAC members. Usually don’t include ASpace program team (Christine, Lora, Laney) in the recent contributions shoutouts

  • Listserv: Browse The ArchivesSpace_Users_Group Archives by date. Go to the previous month (or whenever the last TAC meeting was), for example, October 2018 Archives by date. Then click around until I find the first email after our last meeting (looks like it's Server leaking resources? Slows after running a while.). Then head back to the browse by date page and go through the list to see who wrote the emails (you don't have to actually click on individual emails once you've found the first email after our last meeting), looking for TAC members.

  • Code: For each of the repositories (archivesspace, tech-docs, awesome-archivesspace, api-training, at-migration, data-dictionary, archon-migration) on the ArchivesSpace GitHub site, click on Commits, for example (Commits * archivesspace/archivesspace). Then, same thing, keep scrolling and looking at usernames (sometimes I have to click on them to match a username to an actual name), looking for TAC members (until you get to the date of our last TAC meeting).

  • Bugs/new issues: Go to your JIRA System Dashboard, and look at the ArchivesSpace Development Work activity stream. Keep scrolling and looking at names for TAC members (you have to click "Show more ..." when you get to the bottom of the list until you get to the date of our last TAC meeting).

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