2017-01-13 Meeting notes


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Rescheduling the January 6 meeting to the following Friday, as I'll be out of the office.
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  • Get rolling on the "why," "what" and "how" resources.

Discussion items

5minWelcome and note taker

Sally taking notes.

Group did a round of introductions.

5minNew responses (if any) on the ArchivesSpace Integrations Information form
No new reports.
10minAction items from 2016-12-02 Meeting, also suggestion from Sally on Preliminaries page

Cory Nimer, Patrick GalliganJason Loeffler (Unlicensed)Max Eckard and Kari S. (Unlicensed)

  • Cory Nimer to add Integrations categories to Integrations page - now is better organized
  • Patrick Galligan to add Integrations categories and "Other" to Google survey
  • Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed) to investigate local Code4Lib outreach opportunities; no regional conferences appear to be happening; just national conference
  • Max Eckard to add Code4Lib breakout session outreach, integrations plug in Christine's emails, and internal communication to Work Plan

There was discussion about how the group plans to do more outreach this year - aimed at both users and vendors. Would probably be a good idea to set up integration session pop-up at Code4Lib - Jason, Patrick, Dustin are all going as is Laney, the new technical lead.

10minDetails and discussion on the "why" resource outlineKari S. (Unlicensed) (leader), Cory Nimer and Max Eckard

ACTION - Dustin to start on 'why' resource - others to help

ACTION - Jason to write up and share 2 use cases they have

10minDetails and discussion on the "what" resource outline
10minDetails and discussion on the "how" resource outlinePatrick Galligan, Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed), and Max Eckard (leader)

Don't know if this is what you were thinking of, but I have a start here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tkDsbhqNFn-MuUdJdC4fqs7vYmXhEAn83PXZD3lRU-8/edit?usp=sharing

Feel free to totally change or tell me if we're on the wrong track.


Comments and feedback were directly captured in document during discussion.

ACTION - Dustin to look for a few SDKs available to developers and add them to brainstorming document

Action items

  • All to think of talking points for Code4Lib session on ArchivesSpace Integrations for discussion at next Integrations meeting.
  • Dustin Stokes to look for a few SDKs available to developers and add to list in the work 'how' resource outline Google Doc
  • Max Eckard to move 'Preliminaries' wiki page from Council area to main ArchivesSpace wiki page
  • Dustin Stokes to start a 'why' resource - all others to help