2020-07-16 Meeting notes

2020-07-16 Meeting notes




Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)

Lora Woodford

Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

Jessica Crouch

Unable to Attend

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

Gregory Wiedeman (Unlicensed)

Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


5 minJessica CrouchHow's everybody doin'?
5 min 

Old Business


Developer Onboarding wiki pages for review and enhancement - /wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/894533891


Rubocop - Keep this on a the agenda but currently no activity

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)Anything from the Ad Hoc API groupSubmitted by Dave in advance of the meeting:
The Ad-Hoc API Docs stuff, I haven’t yet gotten things back in gear, but am eager to.  If there’s anything y’all want to hear from me or tell me, please email or I am happy to talk with people outside of this meeting!
Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)Investigating other database backends other than mysql
10 min

New Business/Open Discussion


The release


Starting to assign PRs again

3 minEveryone

Closed Pull Requests since June 16, 2020
(is:pr is:closed base:master merged:>2020-06-16)

10 closed PRs at: https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+base%3Amaster+merged%3A%3E2020-06-16+

10 minAssigneeOpen Pull Requests (is:pr is:open base:master assignee:[name])Comments

Mark Cooper

Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

Bria Lynn Parker (Unlicensed)

Gregory Wiedeman (Unlicensed)

Lora Woodford

5 minEveryoneOur next meeting will be August 20th at 1pm ET


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