How to Request a New Feature

How to Request a New Feature

(If you want to report a bug, see How to Report a Bug.) 

The ArchivesSpace community encourages requests for new features to be added to the ArchivesSpace application.  New features can increase the application’s suitability for supporting management of archival materials, as well as optimize the experience of the application’s users. 

Before requesting a new feature,

  • Make sure the feature you want to request is not already present in the application by either:
    • Upgrading to the latest release of the application
    • Checking our sandbox (which always has the latest release running)
  • Review feature requests already logged to see if the feature has already been requested and, perhaps, prioritized for development:
    • Search the JIRA for relevant Feature Requests (you do not need to have an account)
    • After  creating a JIRA account, you can vote for that issue and add yourself as a watcher by clicking the buttons on the top right:  ).
      • Voting for an issue can help prioritizing it
      • Watching an issue will send you an email when information is added to the issue or its status changes 

Once you have determined the feature does not already exist in the application

  1. Log in to your JIRA account (You will need to create a JIRA account to submit a ticket).
  2. Access JIRA and select Create issue (Select ArchivesSpace New Workflow as the project).

An actionable feature request requires the following:

  1. Issue Type identified as “New Feature”

  2. Summary description of the feature requested in the format of “As [role]  I request [feature]” (The roles typically used in ArchivesSpace are System Administrator, Repository Manager, Project Archivist, Archivist, Advanced Data Entry Staff, Beginning Data Entry Staff, and Repository Patron)

    As a repository manager, I would like to link event records to name records
    As a project manager, I would like the ability to declare default values comprehensively through the ArchivesSpace application
    As a repository patron, I would like to be able to view a broad range of digital content within the ArchivesSpace application

  3. A detailed description of the desired functionality

    Feature requests that include detailed Behavior Scenarios or Use Cases can be more easily reviewed and are more likely to be prioritized for development since these use cases provide more detailed information about the requested feature and improve the likelihood of a successful outcome in development.

    Feature requests that include use cases that follow the Given/When/Then format or that include detailed specifications and descriptions are more likely to be selected for development.  

  4. Attached files, screenshots, or specifications that amplify the feature request.

Upon submission of the ticket, the Development Prioritization Council or members of the ArchivesSpace program team will contact the submitter and all other commenters directly via the ticket.  

Ticket submitters and all other individuals interested in the development of the feature request are encouraged to remain vigilant of the ticket and respond to all requests for information.  Tickets that have a status of "awaiting more information" are unable to be prioritized or implemented until questions are resolved.  

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