2021-12-13 Meeting notes

2021-12-13 Meeting notes




Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


15 minJessica Crouch

Welcome and Announcements

Welcome Joshua! 

Let's all take some time to introduce ourselves, how we joined the group, why we continue to participate in the group and what we hope for the group's future. 

5 min

Old Business


Discussion from past meetings:

The team decided to try a discussion session at the online forum on plugins.  This would be a 1 hour session.  Online forum dates are March 21-22, 2022.

Depending on how the next few months go, it may be beneficial to have the next open call in very early 2022 on external Solr. 

30 min

New Business/Open Discussion


External solr, upcoming release, other updates

Brian brought up the topic of creating and maintaining technical  and API documentation as a discussion for the group.  

Brian also brought up the topic of the release schedule.  The team discussed various ways the release schedule could be more standardized and how that could benefit the community, the program team and over all processes. The team also discussed semantic versioning and ways to make releases related to data model changes vs. software fixes.

Other future topics:

  • How ArchivesSpace handles dependences (Jetty/Solr/Rails)
  • More discussion about tech documentation, API documentation and the development of PR/commit documentation or policy. Lots of documentation!!


API docs and master - Question arose among program team members about how people are using the API and master and if they need the API docs referenced. 

  • The API docs are used and should be included with new releases
  • Adding the schemas to the API documentation would help
  • Having the applicable version of the API docs maintained and available with each release would be ideal
  • The current API doc examples are unhelpful and more realistic data for tests would help
  • Lora began the work of cleaning of the factories before she left so a more streamlined process for creating example data should be possible

Open discussion time

A few thoughts from the meeting:

The group is going to make a point to use the Core Committers slack channel to continue discussions outside of the meeting

1 minEveryone

Our next meeting is January 10, 2022! at 2pm ET/11am PT

Future Items:

  • Team project: Pull request / commit history policy and documentation

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